WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
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Playful Pix
How many did you find?


From A Night at the Races, Page 1
"We want to race, too!"



Herb, Bob, and Jesse, from A Night at the Races, Page 2
(YEP!  Class of '63 is INDEED till Horsin'Around!)



From A Night at the Races, Page 1
Just when you thought it was safe to go in the lake...



From the Golf Tournament
A wayward ball



From the Picnic Pictures, Page 1
A surprise arrival



From the Picnic Pictures, Page 2.
Bears just wanna have fun.




From the Picnic Pictures, Page 3 -
"The Graduate" feels very honored.


From the Picnic Pictures, Page 3
(Ain't it the truth?)



From the Picnic Pictures, Page 3
One of our more obvious enhancements!



From The Main Event: Page 1
A real Bruin welcome



From The Main Event: Page 3 - Dining
A couple of extras on the table



From The Main Event: Page 4 - Mingling
"A rose is a rose..."


From The Main Event: Page 4 - Mingling
(Who Was That Masked Man?)



From The Main Event: Page 6 - Posing
"Previous acts of discrimination are now forgiven."


Background From Grsites.com

Image of Red Rose Courtesy of DailyClipArt.net

Wilson Reunion 2008

Current Music:  ""Do Your Ears Hang Low?"

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee