WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
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Newly Missing 2008- Susan Maust
Newly Missing 2012 - Joyce Hessel has gone missing again

Newly Missing 2013 - Mail returned/unable to forward or find
Loren Allen
Dan Girling

Hey!  We're chipping away at this list.  
Any and all clues gladly accepted ...... Jeri

 7-29-13 - Welcome back, Glen Warriner!
2-21-13 - Jay Corbett found hiding in plain sight
(and sent a message with pics - See "Hey Bruin Whatcha Doin"
1-5-13 - Welcome back to Laura Sokoloff
10-23-12 - Linda Doheny is in Washington State
10/10/12 Leanne Winkler found in the Lone Star state
10/3/12 - Another Janice (Clancy!) located
10/1/12 - Janice Lindsey, welcome back
8/20/12 - Paul Freesmeier, it's about time!
8/20/12 - Sandra Ellsworth, missing no more
8/4/12 - Larry Baker found, close by
7/25/12 - Linda Thompson, it's been too long.
7/10/12 - Victoria Allard, at long last!

11/14/11 - George Tryon knows "what happens in Vegas"
8/26/10 - Zippety located at Doggie Spa
6/1/10 - Patricia Pischel has turned herself in!
4/6/10 - Jolene Ford has been found

3/13/10 - Kay Bergland, back in the loop!

2/4/10- Found Linda Ball, once and for all!
11/24 - Happy Holidays to Don Fried
10/7 - Annie Cole found in Tennessee
9/26 - Welcome back, Sandy Durden
9/12 - Eric Hardesty - Deep in the heart of Texas
6/18 - Robert Miller has been found


5/20 - Tao (formerly Sally) Maust is on board
5/1- And Don Hanson is missing no more
2/28/09 - Richard Craig is in So. California
2/26/09 - And Loren Allen found in Arkansas....
2/26/09 - Trapped & Captured - Joyce Hessel!
2/21/09 - Katherine Brickham is located!
2/15/09 - Back in touch with Bill Hagan ...
1/26/09 - Adrienne Hurley - It's About Time!
1/12/09 - Donna Turner "turns herself in"

Loren Allen
Linda Baldwin
Sherry Birkholz
Brian Blanchard
Brenda Bogie
Suzy Bradley
Donald Brown
Richard Burke
Pete Deily
Jean Doheny
Darrell Dourte
Elaine Estern
Ronald Evans
Gary Freeman
Doris Gaines
Dan Girling

Robert Hailey

James Henry

Joyce Hessel

Steven Hobbs
Edward Johnson
Steve Klaimon
Michael Klein
James Krause
Cynthia Lee
Connie Maben
Pamela Matheny
Susan Maust
Thomas McCormick
Caroline McFarland
Carolyn McGill

Michael McKaig

Lloyd Mintz
Linda Morris
Anne Murphy
Margo Murphy
Daniel Murphy
Dewey Myers
Chuck Newton

John O’Brien

Pamela Perry

Tobe Preston
Sheri Price
Judy Reed

Anita Roberts

Loretta Sanchez

Pamela Sandstone

Maureen Seiber

Joy Shirton

Anne Stewart

Christine Torres

William Webb
Janice Wells
Jan White

William White

James Wilson
Lois Wilson
Linda Wright

9/14/08 Next time you're in Dubai, look up Oscar Fouladi
7/30/08 - "Show me" - Alicia Gibbs found in Missouri
7/20/08 - Carol Scott, at long last, found
5/31/08 - Connie Voisin, missing no more
5/14/08 - And Donna Yeager accounted for
5/13/08 - Nancy Martin calls the Bay Area home
5/7/08 - Michael Deihl was right under our noses
5/4/08- Been "SEARCHIN" for Don Thomas forever-
5/2 /08 Welcome back to Angie Avila
4/29/08 - Jerry Gibson is no longer AWOL
4/28/08 - Stephen Carruth lives in the Show Me state
4/22/08 - John Gaines located
4/21/08 Bob Ramsey is again in Southern California
4/21/08 Dr. John Wells is serving in Iraq
4/15/08 = Fred Lewis present & accounted for ...
4/14/08 - Bruce Singer found in Sweet Home Alabama :)
4/12/08 - Sue Strobridge located in Pacific NW
4/12/08 Tina Christensen moved but cannot hide!
2/22/08 - Helen Scull has been living in Long Beach
2/15/08 - Shirley Griffith is located
11/14 - Wanda Stout is still about
10/20 Exchange student Embret Sandbakken found
10/17/07 - Michelle Reynolds, amazed to be found!
10/13/07 - Bob Lawrence checks back in
10/6/07 - Mary Thomas living the good life in Italy!
10/6/07 - Frances Martin is in Minnesota
10/5/07 - Dianne Rinehart found in Utah
10/4 - Dick Jones is in Long Beach
9/30 - John "Jack" Johns found in Oregon
9/4 - Tom Babcock turns himself in
9/1 - Richard Woolery lives back east
9/1 -Jim Henderson, go see yourself on Kind Baby pg 7!
8/30 - And Michael Barry is living nearby ...
8/29 - Who knew, Richard Wood is in Washington
8/29 - Our alpha list no longer starts w/Vernee Alberding!
8/29 - Gayle Wilson is alive & well
8/28 - Welcome back to Patricia Dodson
8/25 AHA! Judi Inanchy couldn't hide forever :)
7/21 - Sandy Smith is back amongst us
7/11/07 -A big hi to Patti Streamer
7/10/07 - Welcome back, Dan Sauerman
7/6/07 - David Neville located
7/6/07 - Ditto Roberta Bull
6/28/07 - Sharon Jensen was here all along!
6/25/07 - Call off the search, David Farrell found
5/28/07 - Mary Wyatt found, thanks to cousin Roger!
4/17/07 - Kathy Vangalis has again been located
2/3/05 - Virgene Link found too
2/8/05 - Patricia Malek no longer missing
2/8/05 - Rod Woodard also located
3/27/05 - Welcome back Ronald Moore
6/4/05 - Edward Allen surfaces in New Zealand
6/24/05 - Andrea Hiller is back
7/25/05 - Donna Houston too!
7/31/05 - Robert Wear is alive & well
8/5/05 - Paul Heiser, Come on Down!
8/6/05 - Robert Lindberg has been found
8/13/05 - Anne Barratt has, too
8/15/05 - Lorinda Elms is located
8/17/05 - Peggy Nash is accounted for
8/18/05 - Janet Weir has been found
8/21/05 - Kathy McAllister, Welcome Back
8/21/05 - Sharilyn Libby, you too!
8/21/05 - Hello, Dorothy Willie!
8/22/05 - Jean Ricks, Missing No More
8/22/05 - Patty West, (Deep in the Heart of?) Texas
8/22/05 - Delphia Register has been located
8/22/05 - Welcome back to Angie Makepeace
8/25/05 - And also to Barbara Rosenbloom
8/27/05 - Patricia Logan is found
8/27/05 - And Kathy Frazer,
8/27/05 - And Pam Ammann,
8/27/05 - And don't forget Diane Lindgren,
8/28/05 - Hi to Patti Prival
8/28/05 - Harold "Hal" Gordon too
8/28/05 - Welcome to Ed Osborn
8/28/05 - Michael Foster, heard from
8/28/05 - Stephen Kirby checks in
8/28/05 - Glad to reconnect with Jolyan Pratt
9/1/05 - Finally!  Lois Ellefson
9/3/05 - Michael Yancy is alive & well
9/16/05 - Tim Walker is back amongst us
9/21/05 - At long last, Glenn Lindgren!
10/03/05 - Hey, welcome back Linda Beeler
11/12/05 - Jean Mullen travels far & wide; located now 11/26/05 - It's about time!  Juanita Crampton is back
11/28 - Paul Nelson - Lost and then Found
12/8/05 -- Sandy Robinson & Ron Viereck married to each other
12/12/05 - How clever of Dave Nielsen to hide out Down Under
01/19/06 - Good to hear from Jill Moore!
2/5/06 - Patricia Bird, back in the nest
2/5/06 - William Cossairt - alive & kicking
2/5/06 - Mary Jane Branch - living the good life
2/12/06 - Don Curtis is in Orange, CA
2/15/06 - Tim Colbert is accounted for
2/21/06 - Aloha, from Hawaii, Ron Tosh
2/22/06 - Norm Bailey, alive & well
3/2/06 - Carol Tatman, found
3/2/06 - Ditto, Bob Sims
3/2/06 - and also, Ronald Rogers
3/6/06 - At last, Anthony Wilson
3/12/06 Ta-Da!  Duane Endres
3/22/06 - "One Moore" - Bonnie Moore
3/27 - Glad to welcome back Marcia Bump
3/27 - And Susan Crowther too!
3/28 - Linda Cluck is found
4/4 - How fun to locate Donalee Johnson
4/13. - Same goes for Sandra Atkins
4/15 - A Bruin Bear Hug for Shelby Severson
4/17 - Helloooooooooooo, Jim Connelly
4/21 - Frank Sepko comes forward
4/29 - Bonnie Griffith lives South of the Border
5/28 - Ann Waytz located in Southern California
5/29 - Lequita Templeton has been found
5/29 - Kerry Sorenson, also tracked down
6/2 - William Andrews - Found us!
6/4 - And Steve Taylor did too
7/5 - Found Sherie Roberts (thanks Bill Tobin!)
7/12 - Val Boyer "once was lost but now been found"
8/6 - Christina Dahl has been found
9/19 - Lynda Mackie, present and accounted for
9/19 - William Marks, too
9/19 - At long last, Bonnie Brown
9/28 - John Kinchloe is in Washington, who knew?
9/28 - Gordon Keenoy has again been located
10/2 - Ron Rathburn, living the good life in Pacific NW
10/3 - Maryann Reisinger, tracked & captured :)
10/6 - Donna Mancini, send pics of those pet peacocks!
10/6 - Donna Senseney, deep in the heart of Texas
10/6 - Kitty Clark is still around
10/8 - Dorothy McIntosh, who in turn, led us to her sis,
10/8 - Barbara McIntosh in New England!
10/8 - Ronald "Pat" Reagan - here in So Calif
10/8 - Eileen McReynolds is here to stay
10/8 - Michael Stanley has been found
10/9 - Ruth McPhearson also
10/9 - Welcome back to JoAnn Gordon
10/10 - Patricia Myers (Sherlock's childhood pal!)
10/10 - Ken Miller is no longer missing
10/11/06 - Caught up with David Menell
10/12/06 - And then one Moore (Roger Moore)
10/12/06 - Welcome back, Stephen Packard
10/12- Wm Hagan, part of our big Oregon delegation!
10/12/06 - And Jack Perry, OK in Oklahoma
10/13/06 - Jerry Freet, missing no more
10/13/06 - Glad to find Jane Whitten
10/13/06 - Reconnected with Doug Wiley
10/14/06 - Ron Hoffman, still in California
10/17/06 - Robert "Scott" Williams - also
10/19/06 -Y'all Come back to Calif, Michael Payne!!
10/22 - Conney Storey located
10/22 -Kathy Fowler too
10/25/06 - Bill Morris, present & accounted for
11/07/06 - John Graham helped to find David Pearson
11/10/06 - Gail Patrick is still in the area

Music:  "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" - Wilson Boys' Glee Club, December, 1960

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee