WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
Meet Your Reunion Committee
Register with the Reunion Committee
Contact Us






The Reunion Committee appreciates the generous donations of the following people to the "Legacy of '63" Scholarship Program.


 John Mauger 
Dr. Stu Farber,
in honor of Trish Reynolds Farber
Steve Meltzer,
in memory of his brother, Bruce Meltzer
John Comings
Seymour and Reva Alban,
in memory of Dan Alban
Howard and Carol Larimer McLaughlin, 
in honor of Jeri Hemphill Livingstone
Carolyn Heimburger Gannon 
The Wilson '63 Reunion Committee 


If you would like to donate to the Legacy Scholarship Program,
click on the red bow to see/print the Donation Form.



Music on this page:  "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee