WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
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Contact Us



Several classmates borrowed caps and gowns for these pictures,
taken at the end of our junior year.


1st Row: Wendy Archer, Hugh Prichard, Charla Stark, Terry Campbell
2nd Row: Donna Laughlin, Vivian Saatjian, Bruce Meltzer, Karen Watt,
           Danny Alban
3rd Row: Cecil Marr, Carol Laughlin, Larry Moore, Susie Arnold, Steve Kossman
4th Row: Karen Kawai, Kim Wise, Leslie Tucker, Harold Gordon, Bonnie Griffith
5th Row: Pat Markham, Tim Armistead, Renee Norrblom, Karen St. Clair,
           Laurie Kinley, Susie Davidson
6th Row: Donna Brooks, Kathy Baker, Dianne Carner, Phil Arnold,
           Donna Rosen, Anna Christensen, Linda Tucker, Robin Kennedy


Below are links to replicas of the
Senior Pages in our 1963 Campanile.

Since the pictures are not in perfect alphabetical order,
you might need to look on the "next" or "previous" page
to find your old friends.
A few classmates who appeared on totally random pages
may now also be found on the pages where they belong.

Music:  "Silent Night"  Wilson Girls' Glee Club- December, 1960

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee