WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
Meet Your Reunion Committee
Register with the Reunion Committee
Contact Us

Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'? 




Lequita and Sam Stansberry

Note:  Lequita Templeton Stansberry sent a bio and picture for the Alumni Book, but unfortunately missed the deadline as the book had already gone to print.  So here she is! 

Lequita is married to Sam Stansberry, and they have 3 children -- Michelle, Shannon and Jim -- and 6 grandchildren: Shaney, Melissa, Dakota, Hunter, Shane and Daniel.  She teaches Special Education, and lists her favorite pastimes as spending time with her grandkids and with special needs children.


As for her highlights since high school: "Getting married, having my (3) children, my children having my (6) grandchildren, moving to Tennessee, having a miniature horse ranch, teaching, and celebrating my 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 15th, 2013." 





After graduating from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1963, I served with the United States Air Force then enrolled at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque where I majored in Theatre Arts and minored in English Literature. While at UNM, I met and married David Lucoff, an assistant professor recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin working for the Department of Nuclear Engineering. After the birth of our first son, Aaron, in 1972, David and I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Three years later, our second son, Justin, was born. Today, Aaron is an assistant U.S. Attorney in Boise; Justin is a district manager for Avis Enterprises in Atlanta.

In 1979, David and I packed up and moved from the Steeler Nation to Richland, Washington, where David accepted the job as manager of the Fast Flux Test Facility. Twenty years later, we moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, where David worked as the Site Area Director for test reactors at the INL (Idaho National Laboratory). In 2008, after a bout of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and brief retirement, David re-entered the workforce as consultant for a number of companies, including Terra Power. While David continued to consult, we relocated to Boise, Idaho, so we could be closer to our older son, Aaron, and his family. Boise is where we reside today.

While in Richland, I resurrected my interest in theatre and enrolled in classes at Columbia Basin College, joining The Richland Players where I worked as well as acted in several musicals and plays. A few years later, I turned to writing. My children's book, Sparrow Tales, and my juvenile fiction book, Mystery At Camp Saddle-Up, are currently available at Amazon.com. Today, I am working on another book, a science fiction romance, which will be completed by the end of the year. Other than writing, I enjoy cruising, sketching, pastels, gardening, Indian gourmet cooking, golfing and hiking along the Boise River. Most of all, though, I enjoy getting together with my family and spending time with my grandchildren. They are a constant joy in my life. - Jan Clancy Lucoff

Update:  November 22, 2013 - Jan sent the following note:

 I have a new book out, a science fiction mystery romance: Mars Evolution and the Search for Eden. The book is available at Amazon.com and, hopefully, soon Barnes and Noble. I published the book using my maiden name (J. L. Clancy.)





I did the Autumn 5K Run in 42.35. Next time I'll practice for it. It was my first time at a 5K. Maybe it will be an incentive for our classmates to try a 5K who have never tried before -- it was fun. I came in first for our age group. That's not my time showing at the finish line.

Christina Dahl




Roger is rightfully proud of his 1956 Jaguar XK140.  They appear together at car shows on a regular basis.  I have asked him to tell us more .... stay tuned.

NOTE TO CAR BUFFS:  If you, too have a classic car and a picture to submit, we may be having a page of them in the Alumni Book (if we get several).  Please contact Jeri or Patti ASAP for details on submitting a picture and a brief description of make, model, year.


 The Chrismans are "Living Life in Paradise!"


After living for 67 years on the Alamitos Bay Peninsula and swimming around Naples Island, I moved to Kauai a year ago and swim now in Hanalei Bay. Following the loss of my loving first wife to cancer in 2000, my beachfront home lost its luster but I was fortunate to hit another Home Run with Sarah and we got married in Hawaii in 2009.

In a word, life is just PLEASANT here. We walk, play golf, Sarah performs Hula and takes Yoga. I still compete in long-distance ocean swims and make up new words while playing golf. This picture is NOT our home - but one of a neighbor... we live on the Prince Golf Course and the views are dramatic, air is clean, and water is warm.

As Mike Nishkian, Herb Solomon, or Barry Woods would say...."Heck, someone had to do it!" I loved my time at Wilson and wish to thank all my classmates who helped create very fond and vivid memories. Mahalo to you all.  Bob



NOTE:  Barry Wood was quick to respond to this taunt. 

"Well, that is really nice.

And Bob is right-"Someone had to do it". And you have earned it and deserve. You sold more hamburgers at Chrismans Galley then I sold at Woodies Goodies. So, you go, Bob.

I'll say hello for you at the lifeguard alumni meeting tomorrow.

Will miss you as the MC at the reunion.

Enjoy buddy,

Barry Wood "



What Jay Corbett is Doin' 
This just in.  Sherlock's persistence has paid off once again!  Jay Corbett writes:  "Please remove me from the Missing Bruin list.  I am LIVING THE DREAM in the desert for the past 12 years.  My compliments to you and members of the Class of '63 for all of the hard work and effort in the development and updating the OUTSTANDING website and the reunion committee's hard work for the sucessful events.  Enclosed are my before and after retirement photos.  I regret I will not be attending the 50th reunion.  GO BRUINS AND ACES BROTHERS!"



What Jane Welch Sprague is Doin'


So here is the long awaited photo of me as a clown. I am officially a member of the Gem Jesters of Idaho. We appear around town at Kids' events, hospitals, parties and wherever. It is so much fun, I love it. Something I have always wanted to do. My clown name is "Cotton Candy".


What Paula Baughman Hatcher is Doin'


Here is a picture of Ray and me with our grandson, Bailey.  This was during my other grandson's H.S. graduation in Tucson AZ. We traveled from Placerville, CA to attend the ceremony. Bailey is only 13 years old and is already 6'-1" and towers over his grandma. The boys always have a great time playing video games together and Ray and I get to enjoy the nice weather of the area. David Thomas 18 (graduating grandson with quilt) isn't quite as tall as Bailey but has room to grow yet. I made the quilt for his graduation gift. He now has completed Army Boot Camp and is in the Army Reserves & attending U of A in Tucson, AZ.


I spend my free time quilting and making handbags that I personally design and sell. Ray's hobby is doing anything he can find to do in his shop that is well equipped for all the "Honey Do's". We like to travel some but no longer have an RV, so we get to enjoy the pleasantries of hotels. .... Paula


Gary Garrison ~
Still in High School
August, 2012


I'm doing well, still have a house in Chapala, Mex. near Guadalajara, but live in Jacumba, CA most of the time.  Still a therapist/counselor (whatever the word is these days) for teenagers in Imperial County. With offices in Juvenile Hall and a couple of the high schools, who thought I would be in high school at 68? But I fit right in. I hold the crown of honorary teenager. It is cool working full time AND getting Social Security on top of that. LOVE my JOB, I'm cooler than an ice cube in a deep freeze on a December night.

Heading for Surfside/Sunset Beaches this weekend to visit my old stomping grounds and friends who stomped them with me. Should be a good little mini-reunion, although we do it every few months. Sorry I missed the '62 class reunion. I was supposed to graduate then, but flunked 8th grade ... I had my choice of going to summer school or surfing, so I chose surfing. Many of the locals still have a surfing reunion at San Onofre every June.... Called the the Hot Dog Surfing Fiesta. People came from all over the states last June. There is one in October also, but not as many people come to that one.

BY THE WAY, this is my little House on Lake Chapala in Mexico ...or My Mexican retirement home


I enjoy living in Jacumba, CA. Hot Springs, a really small town, population 300 in the hills above San Diego on the Mexican Border. I go to Mexico about 4 times a year to my home there, and spent the month of July there this year.

Keep up the good work,
Gary Garrison

" Christmas Fantasy" - Wilson Orchestra, December, 1960

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee