WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
Bruin Den - Message Board
Pacific Northwest Get-Together (3 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Award Winners And Donation Form (5 Pages)
"Legacy of '63" Thank you, Donors
Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
The 60's Club (3 Pages)
The Mid-60's Club (3 Pages)
Traveling Bruins (14 Pages)
My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
Precious Pets (2 Pages)
Class Directory (2 Pages)
Graduation Memorabilia
Senior Pictures (26 Pages)
Missing Bruins
In Memoriam (10 Pages)
In Memoriam ~ Highlights (4 pages)
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Daniel Alban  *

Robert Arnold  *

Susie Bailey  *

Lane Barker  *

Andrea Barnes  * 
Sandy Beaman  *     
Sharon Beckett   *
LaVanche Bell   *
Karen Bever
Richard Bjorge  *

Phylene Boston  *

William Bragstad  *

Carole Brennan  *

Cliff Brister   *
Donna Brooks  *
John Burtle  *

Terry Campbell   *

Douglas Chapman *

Nancy Christensen  *

Julie Corrigan *
Candy Cox  * 

Nancy Crowder *

Susan Davidson  *

Gail Decker  *

John Dugdale  *

Julie Edwards  *

David Ellithorpe  *

Michael Ely  *

Gloria England  *

Kerry Everts    *

Richard Fellman  *

Sharon Fox  *

Gail Fromme *
Joan Garber   *
Alicia Gibbs  *

Robert Gladden   *

Cheryl Goldsmith  *

Carla Green  *

Shirley Haddock  *

Bob Hamby  *

Carol Hansted  *
Gregg Hennessey  *

Candice Hepler  *

Andrea Hiller  *

Richard Hindman *

Lynn Hoodecheck  *

Barbara House  *

Linda Hunter  *

David Janken *
Gary Johnson  *

Joy Johnson  *

Lloyd Jones   *

Barbara Jordan   *
Michael Kelly  *

Laurie Kinley  *

Steve Kunau  *
Richard Lang *
Geoffrey Leon  *
James Leonhardt  *
Cathy Lewis   *

Michael Looney  *

Robert Love    *

Jackie Maher   *

Patricia Malek  *

Patricia Markham  *
Karen Mashburn  *

Robert Matlock  *

Merida "Bud" Maxwell   *

Richard McKenney   *

Bill "Rusty" McWhorter  *

Bruce Meltzer  *

Don Menzimer  *

William Mercer  *

Bruce Miller  *

Kathleen Montgomery  *

Randy Morich  *
Judy Omohundro  *

Michael Owen *

Debbie Parmelee  *

Wayne Pierce   *

Terry Pikop   *
Dennis Pollman  *

Frank Puchalski  *

Renee Ragsdale  *

James Robb  *

Betty Rounthwaite  *

Rimsky Russell    *

Cynthia Ryall  *

Monte Schantz  *

Michael Scouten  *
Frank Sepko  *
Tom Siembieda  *
Steve Singer *

Carl Sjolund  *

Kathy Smith  *
Larry Smith   *
John Soovajian  *
Jim Stage  *

Walt Stark  *

Sylvia Staton  *

Craig Stephan  *

Bruce Stewart  *

Cynthia Stockenberg  *
Gary Stout  *
Kathleen Strong  *

Ron Talley  *

Carl Taylor  *
Aaron Thomassen  *
Bill Tobin  *
Gail Vance  *
Diana Vermillion  *
Valerie Vils  *
Jack Webb  *
Gary Westby *

Lynda Williams   *

Anthony Wilson  *

Bobbie Winebrenner  *

Rita Wixom  *

Deanna Young  *

Victor Zahn

In Memoriam ~ Intro to Highlights

 *  Asterisks will be placed by the listed name when the In Memoriam Highlight story has been posted in the new section.  Stories added or revised after the initial publication on February 7 will have a darker asterisk.

Music on this page:  "Ave Maria"

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee