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Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
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Heartfelt Presentation
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Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
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Jim took this picture of Tucker and Trapper
on the beach, when we lived in Carmel, California.

The photo was submitted to The SPCA of Monterey County
for their calendar contest of 2009 and was chosen,
over hundreds of other entries, for the month of September.

We rescued Tucker, the German Shorthair/Lab mix in 2002 from the
High Sierra Animal Rescue in Portola, CA. 
In December, 2005, we rescued Trapper, the Plott Hound, from Monterey SPCA.



Ginger (Plott Hound) is pictured in the tall grasses of the Sierra's
and will be "Miss November" of the 2014 High Sierra Animal Rescue Calendar.
Her ears were branded by her unknown previous owner with an "M" and a "W,"
so we call her our "Most Wanted Mountain Woman!"


On New Year's Eve, 2010, we took Ginger (our 2nd Plott) home, hoping that a friend of ours would rescue her.  As it turns out, Ginger was too much dog for our friend and, not having the heart to return her to High Sierra, we decided to rescue her also.
Plott Hounds are the State Dog of North Carolina. They are boar and bear hunters.  They are also known as Winchester Bear Dogs as the owner of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company used them as his hunting hounds. They are an American Bred Hound. They were recognized by the UKC in 1946 and by the AKC in 2009.


Tucker and Trapper are pictured at Gold Lake in the Sierras.
They are on the cover of the 2013 High Sierra Animal Rescue Calendar.






Bill reports, "We give them lots of freedom around the house,
and they keep our lawn, flowers, and fruit trim."



My real name is "Brier’s Angel in the Outfield" but everybody calls me "Joey". I was born on February, 2008 in Woodburn, Oregon, and I have 12 brothers and sisters. My mom is Lucy and dad is Ozzie from Dexter, Oregon. My litter was called the "Ball" litter, so in keeping with the theme, my forever family probably named me for Joe DiMaggio, a famous baseball outfielder. Honestly though, I think they named me "Joey" because of all my energy and jumping up on everything and never being still unless I was sleeping! (Joey is a baby kangaroo).


As a puppy, I enjoyed a close
relationship with my siblings.
I hope you can find me in this picture.



My home is in Milwaukie, Oregon and is a tri-level home. I love running up and down the stairs and I skip several steps at a time so I can beat anyone going up or down. I am a hunting dog; my mom hides treats (3 calories a piece) all over the house and I find all of them in record time. We also play games where she hides somewhere in the house and I find her! I am a therapy dog; I love to cuddle and let strangers pet me. If I behave, I get to go to Home Depot, Lowes, JoAnns, Sears-- most any store that doesn’t have food in it. So I wait in my kennel in the car at Costco and the grocery stores. Mom says I’m her therapy because I always know when she’s not feeling 100% and I stay close to her.

I needed to learn to talk so I could remind my folks when it’s time to eat and time to play. They understand me. I could easily be vegetarian because I eat lots of veggies and fruits. Cooked carrots and blueberries are my favorite. We now have 5 blueberry bushes because I can help pick when they are ripe!

There’s never a dull day in my life! I’ve been told I was born with a smile on my face. I’m glad because I love to make everyone happy. I get my feelings hurt easily when I get scolded for not listening. Then I get lots of loves. Life is good!


My family is preparing to spend part of the year in
Southern California. 
I do not intend to be left behind.




Max is a wonderful dog for us. We had been looking for a family dog for a long time. We found Max at the pound when he was just 8 weeks old. There were 9 puppies in the litter and they told us that they were German Shepherd and Terrier mix but I think he is more Lab.


Max is pure black with light blue eyes. Quite a mix. And he is big…I weighed him last week and he is coming in at 140 Lbs. He weighs more than my 13 year old grand son! Sheila wanted a small -to- middle size dog. She is not a “Happy Camper”  We take Max to the River every year. He loves the water. This year, out at the sand bar, Max was digging a lot of holes.  Late in the afternoon we could tell he wasn’t feeling very good. We found a vet and took him into town. The Vet did an X-ray and Max was totally full of sand! He had been eating sand the whole time. The vet had never seen anything like it. He gave Max an IV and laxatives and Max was pooping sand for a week.  I have a lot more sand in my back yard now.


Max is our “Gentle Giant” and the best dog in the whole world.


Precious Pets

Current Music:  "Puppy Love"

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee