Alumni Book has been completed and will be mailed out via "media mail" on or about November 13, and should
reach you by Thanksgiving. A small number of extra books have been ordered to be printed, to accommodate late orders.
10/18 - This week is the deadline to submit your
bio for the Alumni Book. You do not have to have attended the reunion or ordered a book to be included in the Bios and/or
the Classmate Directory (contact info.) Please contact me now if you have any questions about how to do this; it can
be quickly and easily done by email or even phone... Jeri 714) 5391429 We have over 200 bios and we want yours too! Several people have contacted me asking when to expect the Alumni Book. We are hoping to have
the books out to you by mid-to-late November , so thanks for your patience. (You are being patient, right?)
2013 Reunion - Alumni Memory
Book 8/26 Please Note: APB on bio status. As of today Patti has processed 147
bios and sent copies to me for my files. I am keeping a list of the names (a few still need to fill in a blank or send
a current pic.) We did find that one went astray and almost got lost in the shuffle. IF you have submitted your bio,
and NOT received an email or snail mailed draft from her to proofread and approve, it may mean that she never received it.
If that is the case, please get in touch ASAP so we can get your info for the book and you will not be left out. I am
putting this same message on Facebook... Jeri
This picture of 1962's book gives you an idea of what our Reunion Book will look like. Different
pictures will be used.
Take a walk down Memory Lane with this Fantastic Keepsake.
In more than 200 pages, your full-size Alumni
Memory Book will Feature:
and Now" pages, including Current Photographs and Up-to-Date Biographies In
Memoriam Highlights, Candid shots from the event, Wilson trivia,
and much more.... NOTE
7/21: Still hoping for help ... although I have completed the In
Memoriam ~ Highlights project, I am still encouraging classmates to give me input if they have any additional information
(on the adult lives of those who have passed away) in the cases where I have been able to get little or no information from
family. In the past three weeks I have gotten a little more detail thanks to Renee Norrblom, Larry Gorman, Bill Bixby, Sally
Deal and Donna Combs. Please contact me by phone or email (not on FB) if you wish to send me anything that we might want
to add in. Thanks..... Sherlock
The book's format was created by Patti Gehrke (class of '68), sister of our
classmate, Paulette Gehrke.
The classes
of 1960, 1961 and 1962 have raved about their completed Alumni Memory Books, and we have hired Patti to do our 1963 Alumni
Memory Book.
Your Current Biography: You will soon receive your
invitation to the Reunion. Included will be instructions on submitting your information and photo (of your choice) for
inclusion in the Book, whether or not you are planning to attend the reunion.
Please submit
your info as soon as possible so the book may be produced in a timely manner. Your RSVP/Payment for the Main
Event may be sent separately.
Pricing: The price of the Alumni
Memory Book is included in the fee for attending the Main Event on September 21.
The Memory Book will be available for purchase for $40 if you are not attending the Main Event.
