The Campus Tour, led by
Mr. Ron Mahan, started in the auditorium.

A stroll down memory lane ...

Back to the days of pep rallies and
musical performances ...

Recognize any names? Some
of our very own classmates contributed to this graffiti display backstage.

How many minutes were we given
to get from class to class? Five minutes ?? (Would we make it now? Or, could we perhaps apply for an extension
?? )

Rod Woodard continues to learn
more about Wilson from campus tour guide (and current faculty member) Ron Mahan.

Beverly Chance Rueckert, Dianne Carner
Hodges, Wendy Archer

Bruce Wride, Roger Wyatt, Danny Ehrler,
Don Lounsbury

Dianne Van Leuven Brun (class of '65)
and Jim Brun

Sally Deal Edith and Dianne Carner

Kim Wise, Carol Larimer McLaughlin,
Sara Erskine Schoenfelder

Dianne Brun and Tony Duarte

" GO BRUINS " they said,
and so we did. We reserve the right, however, to come back and visit from time to time!

Memories, light the corners of my

Misty, water-colored memories

Of the way we were ...

John Meyer, looking back
...a penny for your thoughts?

Rod Woodard really got a kick
out of visiting the gym!

Ah, the natatorium ... the
humidity, the echoes, the
thought of those unsightly two-piece red swim suits and white bathing caps ... to say nothing of the memory-triggering smell of chlorine! Really
takes you back. IN FACT, so much so ...

.... that former swim/water polo team
member Nick Sherbin had to dive in and take a quick dip for old time's sake. (Uh-oh. It seems Barry Wood is up to his competitive ways again)

And it looks like Nick had a section
of the pool all to himself, separated from the younger kids.

2013 Reunion Campus Tour--Page 1
2013 Reunion Campus Tour--Page 2
2013 Reunion Main Event
Wilson Reunion 2013