Just Guys - Page 2
Dennis Smith, Rich Andrus, Jerry
Gibson, and Dave Sweet
Ted Willenberg
Hal Gordon, Kim Wise
Dave McDermid
John Comings, Herb Solomon, Chuck Lineberger swap
pearls of wisdom
Hugh Prichard, Dave Downing
Old friends Dave Southard, John Mauger met in kindergarten
Bob Trapp, Jim Todd
Paul Freesmeier, Larry Moore, and Kim
Tom Frost - proves you can't keep
a good man down!
Dave Southard and Don Arnett
Warren Blackburn and Robert Wheeler
What is John Comings saying? What is Dave McDermid
thinking? We'd love to know.
Rick Moberly and John McClelland
Rock Raun and John Dach
Mike Morrissey, Herb Solomon and Hal Gordon
Nils Rueckert and Ted Willenberg
Jack Hosier and Bill Cheney have stayed close
friends over the years
Jim Brun, Richard Fagin, and Tony Duarte. Rich's trip was significantly delayed by an airport evacuation, but he got there in time to get one picture taken!
Pete Wishney was long overdue for a reunion
Nick Sherbin, Jerry Gibson, Bill Bixby and Dave Sweet
Roger Wyatt and Frank Hodges

2013 Reunion Main Event - Just Guys - Page 1
2013 Reunion Main Event - Mix and Mingle Page 1
Wilson Reunion 2013