
Have some fun with this one (thanks to Joanne Keenan) ... this is the Jr. Optimists from
Rogers Jr. High, 1960. With the help of several of these guys, we have been able to identify every single person.
Unfortunately, 9 (that we know of) have passed away. Do
not read on if you want the fun of guessing who's who ..click on picture to enlarge
Thanks to
Herb Solomon, Denny Garrison, Terry Thorpe, Gary Garrison and Bob Chrisman for helping me out. Front
rowDick Lang, Larry Fosholt, Bart Whelan, Greg Hennessy, Jon Baverstock, Bob Chrisman and Lloyd Jones. Second Row
Rocky Dollarhide Mike Nishkian, Tony Duarte, Cam Kenady, Terry Thorpe, Craig Vestermark, Gary Garrison, Gary Darch,
Bobby Garrison, Ken Lundgren, Dave Ellithorpe, Greg Guest. Top RowDanny Alban,
Herb Solomon, Pete Deily, Bob Gladden, Larry Smith, Denny Garrison, Art Carriel, Barry Wood, Dan Girling, John Meyer, Jim
Sill, Randy Moses, Mike Wike, Billy Murphy
Carol Larimer McLaughlin, who recently established
a "winter home" in the Southern California desert, shared this picture of a recent visit with old
friends / former classmates! "Here's a great snapshot of our get together in Bermuda Dunes. Around the
table: Jolyan (Pratt) Graham and John Graham; Howard McLaughlin; Sue (Watts) Ertl; Phil Ertl. "
In late September, Hugh Prichard participated in
a river cleanup on the Willamette River, which flows through his town. After removing such treasures as tires, the front
fender from a 50's automobile, and a gigantic pair of bolt cutters (that bad people use to steal things), he reported to his
grandsons that "Twas a rewarding morning, but I'm one tired GramPup!"
Diane Boswell
Boone writes: I just
wanted to send you this picture of Ron Whitehead and me that was taken in September in Long Beach. He came down
from No. Cal. while I was out there on vacation and we got together for breakfast and a fun time of reminiscing. Thanks
to Sherlock for finding him for me! He's a great guy, and was my first boyfriend. _____________________________________________________________

This just in from Sandy Beaman Puccio:
" OK, here's a photo someone just sent to me. Last month, we hosted a Mad Hatter Tea Party at our library.
We decorated the tables with odd tea cups and pots, oversized playing cards, and clocks .... lots of clocks.
photo is of another librarian, a magician and me (as the Queen of Hearts.) I said "Off with your Head" a LOT.
We served tea to 80 kids of various ages. Hopefully, none of them will ever again think librarians are stuffy.
All the best - Sandy "
Hear, Hear! Gamma Gamma
Thanks to Lequita Templeton Stansberry for this great group shot of
Gamma Gamma Sorority. Lequita would love to hear from her sorority sisters - c/o her daughter's e/mail, shannonalvey@bellsouth.net

Evelyn Goehrig Wanner sent the two pics below from her recent trip
home to LB. Left is much-beloved teacher (and recent frequent Bruin Den Message Board contributor) Howard Genrich, an old
friend of the Goehrigs. Right is Ev's twin Billie Palmer, enjoying lunch with Linda Morrison Castle - Billie visiting
from England, and Linda is now living back in Long Beach after many years in the East..
Here's that spring chicken, Humble Howard Genrich
again, at Joe Jost's on May 1. Now why do you suppose a TEACHER would be offering his STUDENT a beer?? Oh, wait,
maybe John Mauger is over 21. And there's probably some scientific experiment involved..... Also pictured is Jefferson
alum Frank Marshall, who was there (Jefferson, not Joe Jost's) the day of the 1933 Earthquake . John showed
off his Pamplona ensemble and swapped stories with the Jefferson teachers who regularly gather there... including showing
Mr. G where he had signed John's Anchors Aweigh yearbook back in 1958!

Adrienne Hurley Lanigan and one year old granddaughter Lauren |

Thanks to Mary-Ann Solsvik Nied for sending
this picture from the Mid Sixties Reunion (1988) - also pictured, her late husband Fred, and Kitty Clark McNeill
From Georgia,
John Dugdale writes: "Guess who has been here at the Johnderosa for the past few days. I haven't enjoyed anything this
much in I don't know when. We had her out cutting sorghum in the fields of south Georgia. I ate so much since she and her
beautiful daughter arrived that I won't eat for a week. I am just so excited about her flying 3,000 miles to see Little Ole
Me.. Now how sweet is that?"
The Mystery Guest was Silvia Valera Gardner, a good friend since
high school. John rolled out the carpet of Southern Hospitality, and, among other adventures, took Silvia and her daughter,
Gina, to eat "Fried Green Tomatoes" at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Juliet, GA - served by none other than author Fannie
Flagg. Silvia and Gina have now returned to California (bearing gifts to her husband from her grateful and dear friend John)
but has left behind a treasure of memories. As John puts it: "It took 46 years, but I finally got my ‘date’
with the Homecoming Queen."
. |

OLD FRIENDS, NEW PICTURE ! Diana Kirkner Eshleman and Dennie Hamilton
King enjoying a trip down Memory Lane. Taken in Palm Springs February, 2010

Well, guess who showed up on Vicky Hercus
Vanderloos' doorstep in Dordrecht, The Netherlands? John Mauger made it a point to see his old friend from Lee Elementary
School, and to meet her sweetheart, husband Jan. And he managed to arrive at lunchtime and get a free meal out of the

John tells us that they had a marvelous time reminiscing
about mutual friends and good times. Vicky now just HAS to come to the 50th reunion in two years, because she now owes
John a visit. He shared the email she sent giving him directions to her home : "When you see the Big Church you are
doing good. When you hit the water you have gone too far. See you when you get here, between 10 and 11 is just fine.
Tot Kijk ! Vicky"


Left, according to Mr. Genrich, " Wow!! Thank you
so much for forwarding all the swell pictures from 5/1. Yes, John made a huge hit with all the old guys. When we
get together we don't seem real old but when one needs to look at the pictures it shows the real truth...maybe we aren't 35
years old anymore...but we sure have the Jefferson Spirit OK.... The cast of characters from L to R: Ray Allen- PE, Don
Mitroff-social studies, baseball later baseball and history at Wilson (in '63), Rod Briggs- social studies, Russ Young-history
& administration, Ron Rudman - science, Frank Marshall '36, Howard Genrich - science, John Mauger in Pamplona scarf and
sash. John sure made a big hit and had so many complimentary things to say...We really appreciate his showing up!!
Thank you just a big bunch for forwarding this fine news." Howard Genrich

Adrienne Hurley Lanigan |
From Carol York Burke:
"I would love to share this photo of my
husband Mike and myself (Carol York Burke) at this year’s Kentucky Derby. It was our 9th year and, yes, I bet
on Mine That Bird to win!
I am looking forward to the reunion memory book and pics on the website!"

OUR VERY OWN BEACH BOYS Thanks to John Mauger who preserved
this scene for all time ... A day of surfing (and maybe, just maybe, watching for California Girls?)
At Crystal Cove, Newport Beach during Spring Break of '62. Left to right, John
Park, Bill Bixby, and Dick Jones. Good Vibrations!

to Jill Noble Thrasher for this picture taken at a slumber party celebrating Judee Williams' 16th birthday in 1961.
L to R, Jan Myers, Julie Corrigan, Bonnie Moore, Judi Inanchy, Donna
Houston, Jill, Sharron Skinner, Judee, Patti Prival, and Kathy Smith.


EARTHQUAKE AFTERMATH-NOW Beverly Lundell-Lehman, Wilson Class of 1961, has for a long time divided her
time between New Zealand and the US. Her home in Christchurch was destroyed in the earthquake on February 22.
She has given permission to share online an excerpt from an email she sent on February 23 to Ronni Krancus Gates and other
close friends. "Thanks to you all for your concern ...we're still in the
States and we were scheduled to return to Christchurch in a couple of weeks. I guess that's uncertain just now as we
see our downtown flat a mass of rubble in the TV footage. So far all our friends have survived without injury, but the
destruction is massive and widely distributed. I don't believe anyone has escaped without major loss of some sort. This
comes just as they were beginning to recover from the "Big Quake" of 5 months ago and the 5000 aftershocks that
followed. Kiwis are hardy folk and I imagine they will rebound, but right now the mood is one of exhausted despair.
I have a foot in each of two homelands now, but my heart weeps for this brave little country and beautiful little city
that is the repository of my soul. "
Beverly then
added that she and her husband will be going there soon "....but
at the moment, we have nowhere to stay. I suspect our car and my Harley are buried under the fallen building--our other
possessions were moved into storage after the September earthquake. "
EARTHQUAKE AFTERMATH - THEN March 10, 2011 marks the 78th anniversary of the devastating
Long Beach Earthquake of 1933. Press Telegram columnist Tim Grobaty (himself a Bruin) dedicated his column this morning
to that event, and the impact on Woodrow Wilson High School. He
quotes from the "Earthquake Edition" of the Loudspeaker, dated April 12, 1933. To read his column, go to
http://www.presstelegram.com/news/ci_17576575 Thanks
to Webmistress #1 (Linda) for the photos from 1929 and 1933.

It IS a Small
World, After All .....

... Just ask Terry Thorpe. When he went
on a Mexican cruise, there was John Mauger. That could easily happen to you!
It happened
to Humble Howard Genrich, too! The popular Jefferson Jr. High 8th grade General Science Teacher ran into John in January,
also while cruising the Mexican Riviera. He was caught, per John, trying to buy a pina colada. Hopefully, he
had proper ID.

Music on this page: "Where
the Boys Are"