2013 Reunion Activities RSVPs will be updated daily - see the menu on the left 8/24 - This just in .... there will be no golf tournament on Saturday morning
9/21, due to timing conflicts with the campus tour and various other small get-togethers being planned.

- Late last week an email was sent to all classmates we could reach, giving some additional details on the reunion events.
If you did not receive the email, please scroll to the bottom of this page for more information.
7/1/13 - Another update. Buster's Beach
House, where we will hold our Hospitality Reception on Friday, is now called Malarkey's Bar & Grill. This is a name
change only; ownership remains the same and nothing else has changed.

A View from The Reef |

from the Reunion Committee: We are thrilled to announce that we have been able to secure The Harborview Room at The
Reef in Downtown Long Beach for our main event on Saturday, September 21. For a preview of the facility and the nighttime
skyline view, click on the picture above to access the Reef's website. The Reef has arranged free valet parking for the night of the event. Detailed directions will
be distributed well in advance of the reunion. PLEASE
NOTE: Everyone who RSVPs for the Main Event will be contacted with important additional info about the valet parking,
the hours food will be served, special dietary requests, and a detailed map to The Reef (a little tricky but easily explained.)
Anyone who may possibly show up the night of the event and pay at the door should contact us in advance to be sure you have
all the information you need.

Click on the above picture to
see the four-page invitation. If
you have any questions or need a copy, call Jeri, 714--539-1429.

Hospitality Pre-Party Friday,
September 20, 4 PM-10 PM Malarkey's Bar & Grill, formerly called Buster's Beach House, at Alamitos Landing
Wilson Campus Tour Saturday, September 21, 11 AM
The Main Event Dinner, Dancing, Reminiscing, Etc. Saturday, September 21, 6 PM-11PM The Reef Restaurant in Downtown
Long Beach
Sunday Brunch
Sunday, September 22, 10 AM-2 PM Acapulco Restaurant & Cantina, Marina Pacifica ..
this page often for the latest details.

8/8 - Please note! Our original block of discounted rooms sold out very early on, and has been extended
twice. There are rooms still available! Contact Vicki (below) to reserve. The Official Hotel for the Wilson Class of ’63 50th Reunion
We have reserved a block of rooms at
a special rate of $99 per night + tax single and double occupancy on a first come, first served basis.
These special room rates are offered September 17
through September 25, 2013 subject to availability.
The room rate includes breakfast. hotel Current provides shuttle service
to and from Long Beach Airport. Shuttle service will also be available to our nearby Reunion Events.
For hotel reservations, contact
the hotel directly at 800 990-9991 or 562 597-1341 and reference Wilson Reunion or email
hotel CURRENT 5325 E. Pacific
Coast Highway Long Beach, CA 90804 www.hotelcurrent.com

9/13 - SPECIAL
Click on this shirt for information
on ordering Wilson shirts/sweatshirts.
Reunion Committee is not directly involved in, nor will we receive proceeds from, the sale of these shirts. They are
offered by Leigh Ramsey, Wilson '88, and she may provide a 2-3 day turnaround on orders received thru her website. Thanks to Leigh for sending us this link and
giving us the opportunity to order.

Click on this Campanile for information
on the Reunion's Alumni Memory Book.

Are you undecided about attending?
Consider this message sent by the Reunion Committees of '61 and '62 to their classmates before their reunions in 2011 and
past years, reunions may have been about "show and tell" but this time around it's all about "show up and share." Whether
you are rich or poor, athlete or artist, business man or scientist, introvert or extrovert ... IT DOESN'T MATTER!
Whether you’re running a Fortune 500 company or just punching the clock,
retired or collecting unemployment; whether
you’re living in luxury, or getting by okay or just flat out broke…IT DOESN’T MATTER!
Whether you’re still hot stuff, weathering
well, or aging beyond recognition; whether your
shape is slight or ample, firm or fluffy; whether your hair is in abundance or a bit
in absence…IT DOESN’T MATTER!
Whether you’re happily married (for the
first, second, or third time), or divorced; whether
you’re living single or with a significant other; whether you come alone, or
our message clear yet? There really is no excuse good enough to keep you from attending your 50th class reunion.
We shared some formative years together in Long Beach and have done a lot since then over the past 50 years. Let's get
together to celebrate and share a few moments together again.

Click on the "W" to
see a list of activities in and around Long Beach to see in your free time.

This is the group picture taken at our 45th reunion, September, 2008.
Were you there? Can you find yourself? Can you find your friends? Do you need Sherlock to help you? Click
on the picture and it will enlarge (almost
to a scary size!) So
....better be ready for your close up.

Click to enlarge |
It was so much fun that it took two
pictures to fit it all in!

Click to enlarge |

THIS JUST IN FROM EUGENE, OREGON: Hugh Prichard writes: "I'm looking forward to our September event.
Luckily, my wife's 50th is the same weekend in Grand Rapids, which frees both of us from having to pretend we are having a
great time at the other's reunion. One thing I plan to do is ride my bike around all the old neighborhoods from Minnie Gant
and Lakewood to Naples and Seal Beach." HEY! WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO OR SEE WHEN YOU

NEWS FROM AUBURNDALE, MA: John Comings says: "I'll definitely be coming to the reunion ....David
McDermid and I had lunch last month. We live about 45 minutes from each other, and there is a great seafood restaurant mid-way.
He said he is going to try and come to the reunion, but it all depends on his work schedule at Oracle. By the way, I
don't want to hear anything like that which is depicted in this Doonesbury comic strip."

Woodrow Wilson, Hats Off to Thee, To
our colors, true we will ever be; Firm
and strong, united are we, Rah, Rah, Rah--Zis, Boom, Bah! Team Rah, Team Rah! Hats Off to Wilson High!

Summary of additional details and reminders sent
via email this week to all classmates: WILSON ’63 UPDATES AND CHANGES THE REEF- MAIN EVENT
– Saturday, September 21, 2013 6:00 – 11:00 PM 880 S. Harbor Scenic Drive, Long Beach 90802 Phone: 562/435-8013 Please note that we are at THE REEF (See Map) and not at Rec Park
There will be complimentary Valet Parking
Buffet Dinner will be served from 7:00 to 8:30 PM MALARKEY’S ( Formerly Buster’s)
– Friday, September 20, 2013 4:00 – 10:00 PM 168 N. Marina Drive, Long Beach 90803 Phone: 562/598-9431 ACAPULCO – Sunday, September 22, 2013 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM 6270 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach
90803 Phone: 562/596-3371
Brunch will be served from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Cash or checks only will be
accepted at the door for all 3 events. Sorry, No Credit Cards. We would really appreciate
your response by August 31st due to the volume of paperwork that must be processed. Reminder: All
checks must be made payable to Barbara Loureiro. All RSVP Forms and checks made out to Barbara are to be mailed to Jeri Livingstone
at the following address: 9658 Westminster Avenue, Sp. 23, Garden Grove, CA 92844.. CAMPUS
TOUR – Saturday, September 21, 2013 11:00 AM – 12: PM It is just that this year – a tour! There is no on-campus
picnic! GOLF – For those interested in playing, please contact Bill Cheney at wjcheney@aol.com BIOS – Please get your bios in whether or not you are attending. It will allow us to
keep in touch with each other. Bios will be accepted up until 30 days after the Main Event. ALUMNI
BOOK – For those attending, the price of the Alumni Book is included in the price of the main event. For those unable
to attend, the cost of the Alumni Book is $40. Please remember – if you want to be included in the class directory,
we need your RSVP Form returned to designate the information you do/do not want published. SWEETHEARTS
SECTION OF THE ALUMNI BOOK – If you and your significant other met at Wilson and have remained together, we would like
to include you in the Sweethearts Section of the Alumni Book. If you are interested, please contact Patti Gehrke at p.gehrke@verizon.net
to provide your spouse’s name/maiden name, year(s) graduated, a wedding picture, and a recent picture of the two of
you for the Alumni Book and Display Poster. Contact Jeri for any questions or additional information. HOTEL
CURRENT – 5325 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach 90804 Phone: 866/599-6674 Shuttle/ Car Pooling will be available
for The Reef, Malarkey’s, and Acapulco. Anyone interested in the shuttle will need to sign up for the shuttle, and the
time you want to take it, when you check in.