WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
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Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
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Jane Welch Sprague shared this picture (above) ... these young ladies are on their way
to Welch's Restaurant for lunch
on Jane's 12th birthday, June of 1957. 

L to R front (below), Donna Vermillion, Jane, Diana Vermillion.  
Back, Dianne Carner Mary Jane Barden  ? Toni Cheney Kathy Frazer


L to R - Toni Cheney, Unknown, Jane, Courtney Hansen, Bill Cheney, Jim Stage (rear), Hugh Prichard, Unknown behind Hugh, Girl Unknown, Bobby Matlock


Grad party '63 - Bob Matlock, Lynne Henry, Karen St. Clair,
Mike Nishkian, Dave Downing (back) Chris Matthews,
Chuck Lineberger and Susie Arnold

Luther Burbank Elementary - Year Unknown?

OK, we know that Susie Cottler is in the middle of the middle row (wearing suspenders.)  So ... thinking caps on ... who else? Anyone ??  Anyone ???
Shirley Kinz Brownell writes:
I think I know the name of a couple of people in the Luther Burbank Elementary school picture.  I am in the back row third from the left.  I think Billy White is in the second row, fifth from the left.  I also think Donna Brooks is standing on his right
John Comings chimes in .
I think this might be Mrs Amanson's 4th grade class 1954-55.  If so, then I am the kid in the stripped t-shirt sitting down with his hands locked around this knees in the first row on the left of the picture.  If I'm right then the blond boy standing in the second row to the left of me is Bobby Sims, the girl next to him is one of the Goehrig twins, the boy on the left  in the top row is Kim Wise, and on his left is Ron Quintana... I'm just guessing
3/28 - Per Evelyn Goehrig, not them.  Not at Burbank then
Bob Love's wife Kathy writes:
I think Bob was in the Burbank school picture ...He would be in the top row, second from left.  Let me know if you find out any more about that picture.  I don't recall if he went there all 6 years, but I'm pretty sure he did.  I was surprised at how very few youthful pictures his mother had of him.  So, this would be precious if it were him.
Dear Margie & Jeri.... I attended Burbank Elementary and I was in the 4th grade class with Mrs Amundson. I have a few names that you might be interested in...First  ROW of the picture is Barbara Jordan (3rd from left) next to her is Penny Penrose, I am 7th from left..The others I don't recognize. 2nd ROW 3rd from left is Jimmy Tavernakis,( I think) 6th from left is Donna Brooks, 9th from left, David Pieters.Back row 2nd from the end of row is Mark Watson.  Thanks for sharing the picture...Helen Creed Barrios    
The teacher is Ms. Florence Outler, who taught 2nd grade - Bev Bigelow Pierce.  


Terry Lund, Frank Hodges, Don Lounsbury, others?
Hal Gordon says the middle row, left, is Gary Wyatt.

Current Music:  "Hallelujah Chorus"  Choir and Orchestra, 1961

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee