WWHS Christmas Concerts, 1961 and 1962
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Kindergarten Baby (8 Pages)
Call's Fine Arts Center Pictures
Jefferson Hi Tide (4 Pages)
The Quad - Pictures, Newspaper Clips Etc. (10 Pages)
Love is a Many Splendored Thing (3 Pages)
Heartfelt Presentation
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My Town Rocks!
Hey, Bruin, Whatcha Doin'?
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A 1957 Graduating Class at Bryant Elementary School.  No guessing who is who with this one.  Please visit their web site at www.bryantbrats.org.  You'll find several pages of photos, current and past of our classmates. 


(Picture is actual size)ROW 1...  left to right...Eugene Watts, Penny Penrose, Helen Creed,  unknown,Rocky Rockford,Patsy Hill, Larry Mussler  ROW 2... Ron Quintana, Sharon Holman, Pamela Cox,Barbara Jordan,Beverly Chance,Leslie Cruz, unknown. ROW 3...unknown, Bill Coker,Billie Goehrig,unknown,unknown,Leora Blaine;Juanita Crampton. ROW 4...unknown, unknown, Sandra(last name unknown),Donalee Johnson,unknown. ROW 5...Kim Wise, Chuck Keenan,unknown,Billy White,Mrs Geoghagan, Mark Watson.

Thanks to Billie Goehrig Palmer for Submitting

NAME             HOBBIES                AMBITION                                                 
Ackerman, Martin Archaeology Doctor
Bentley, Cheryl Sewing Dress Designer
Bever, Karen Music Violinist
Blackburn, Warren The Future Air Force
Boone, Kenny Stamps, Swimming Coast Guard
Boston, Phylene Stamps and Rocks Nurse or Waitress?
Brister, Clifford Planes Navy Officer
Brooks, Donna Practicing the violin Violinist
Cedercrans, Peggy Horseback Riding Teacher,  or actress
Chance, Beverly None Teacher
Comings, John Golf Nuclear physicist
Corrigan, Julie Horses Telephone Supervisor
Crampton, Juanita Reading and Swimming Teacher
Creed, Helen Dancing Dancing Teacher
Crews, Leslie None None
Criswell, Ellen Skating Model
Feldt, Janet Horses and Art Teacher
Freet, Jerry Stamps    Pilot
Gardner, Janette Swimming Physical Therapist
Goehrig, Billie Horseback Riding Singer
Goehrig, Evelyn Rocks Stewardess
Gorsuch, Margaret cooking, Sewing Nurse, Teacher
Halvorsen, Jackie Swimming and Ice Skating Teacher or Secretary
Hepler, Candy Models Olympic Star
Hessel, Joyce Cooking    Executive
Hiler, Beth Dancing Singer
Holman, Sharon Horseback Riding Singer
Ivie, Stephen Planes Navy Officer
Johnson, Donalee None Acress
Jordan, Barbara Horseback Riding Housewife
Keenan, Chuck Swimming None
Kinz, Shirley Drawing Housewife
Love, Bobby Model Trains Engineer
Murphy, Anne Horseback Riding Doctor
Newton, Charles Baseball Little League
Norrblom, Renee Reading and Sports Writer
Omohundro, Judy Bike Riding Veterinarian
Orlando, Dorothy Oil Painting Singer
Otis, Ronald Airplanes Pilot
Parsons, Keith Baseball Baseball Player
Penrose, Penny Horseback Riding Housewife
Preston, Alan Reading, Rocks Teacher
Quintana, Ronnie Stamps and coins Nuclear Physicist
Rapp, Jim Making Guns Baseball Player
Rimpley, Eddie Planes, Baseball Pro Baseball Player.
Rockford, Richard Stamps & Coins Engineer
Sanders, Shirley None Teacher
Scull, Helen Horseback Riding Secretary
Shelley, Patricia Swimming and Horseback Riding Housewife
Smith, Gary Baseball Pro Baseball Player.
St. Clair, Karen Foreign Coins Kindergarten Teacher
Tavernakis, James Stamps Chemist
Taylor, Stephen Models and Records Undecided
Tooker, James Stamps, Cars, Trains and Coins Missionary, Dr. Scientist
Turner, Pam Swimming Teacher
Watson, Mark Woodcraft Forest Ranger
Wengrovius, Jeannie Swimming Secretary
White, Billy Boats Ball Player
Wise, Kim Electricity


From Kathy Love, Bob's wife
It's funny, he always loved trains.  He had a whole layout in the rafters of our garage.  It's still up there, but the trains are gone.  He was also a train engineer.  Every Tuesday he ran the train at Irvine Park.  He loved it.  I wonder how many of those other kids reached their ambition?
From John Comings, wannabe Nuclear Physicist
Thank you for putting up the pictures and the list. I did not become a nuclear physicist, but after over 35 of years of not playing golf, I took it up three years ago and instantly became addicted. Maybe I should give nuclear physics another try.


Thank you to Joanne Bauchet Keenan for this picture from 2nd grade at Fremont.  This one is wide open for name identification, since we only know one name - that's Joanne in the back row, second from right.  Anyone?  Anyone?

Thanks to Sue Williams Mortenson for this cute photo of Sara Erskine and Carolyn Heimburger - looks like a party to me.  Guessing 3rd or 4th grade? 


Current Music:  "Cry Out and Shout" - Choir, 1961

Webmistress Linda Tucker Wride
Webmistress Jeri Hemphill Livingstone

Official Web Site of the WWHS Class of 1963
Reunion Committee