__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT HUGH PRICHARD IS DOIN'
Hiya ~ I hope you enjoy seeing tonight on my little farm. Your
weather has been pretty stinky hot, I hear. Up here, there's been plenty of rain early on and now lots of sunshine at
about 80 degrees... PARADISE. It's a good year for growing and some years aren't. Here's this evenings onions/shallot
harvest in one of the bins - three kinds.
This year's
carrots are the best ever. Straight and true and delicious! I must have done something good to the soil I planted.
Wonder what ....?
Some flowers blooming in front of Shed #2. "Cafeteria
and Gifts Inside" sign is from Crater Lake Lodge. Friends of mine worked on the remodel of that historic lodge awhile
back and brought it to me. Nice! Love,
Ubertito in YouJean (Thanks to Hugh for letting us know he is 'veggin out' in the
Pacific Northwest - email received 7/15)
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT SUSIE COTTLER IS DOIN'
These are my girlfriends in Castaic. We've been meeting
together for about 8 years now on every Saturday of the month. We celebrate each other's birthdays and we're always there
for each other in good times and bad... Our unofficial sorority of best friends. (Another thing Susie is frequently doin' is hiking the trails
around her home with her fur-ever friend, Bailey, and other buddies. See the Precious Pets section, page 1 for an updated
photo of Bailey!)
_________________________________________________________ WHAT THESE BRUINS ARE DOIN'
A recent gathering of Bruins -- and Jeffersonians!
-- at lunch in Los Alamitos. Four of these youngsters go even further back, to Lee Elementary School. Fun
stuff. Jesse Moreno, Susie Cottler, Craig Vestermark, Linda Morrison, Valerie Sabin and John Mauger.

Here are some pictures of our Mexico trip we took 2 weeks ago (early September,
hi-light was I finally caught my first Wahoo.
In all the years I have
been going to Mexico, I have never been able to catch one.
In fact, I have used that as my excuse to go. And Sheila always
bought it! So now I will have to come up with some other
As a side note: We flew in on Sunday and flew out on Friday. Tuesday of the next week they had 100 MPH winds from
a hurricane. Blew the roof off the place! Talk about timing....
When Barry isn't fishing: I get up to Belmont Shore all the time.
I still own the apartments on the corner of Bayshore and 1st street-better known as Horney Corner. There is a Facebook
page for Horney Corner. I go to the Wilson-Newport water polo games. Newport Beat Wilson
last week. My grandson is in his 2nd year as goalie for Long Beach City College.
They won the state championship last year with him in goal. I go up once a month to Long
Beach Yacht Club for our alumni lifeguard meeting. Still selling boats in Newport and we have an office right on the water in Alamitos Bay.

7/31- After all these
years of not being in touch or coming to reunions, Bill happened on to our website and "turned himself in." He has given me permission to post this picture, a link
to his website, and to publish here his "Artist's Statement." He is presently traveling but will visit our
website when he returns home to North Carolina, and did send along additional information about his life. (Thank
you, Bill, and WELCOME BACK!) His website is www.billboydart.com. From that site, he summarized: "I am interested in abstracting landscapes and seascapes of places
I've experienced and, through exploring color, light and shape, altering the reality of what I see with what I feel.
Knowing nothing is static, I seek to draw inspiration from the constant change that occurs in nature, it's beaches and mountains
and seasons. " After
we spoke, he sent the following message. " It was good talking with you. It's funny. I haven't thought much
about Wilson since 1963 until recently when I came across our senior year book. I recall two friends from those years in
particular, Danny Alban and Carolyn Heimburger. Briefly,
after graduation I went to Long Beach City College for a semester, then Menlo College, and finally graduated from the Missouri
a School of Mines in 1968 with a degree in civil engineering. I worked in construction in California as a construction manager
and the last twenty years as a forensic litigation consultant in San Diego. I retired in 2003, and moved to North Carolina
where I took up painting, a love I've had a long time, just never the opportunity to do it until I retired."


April 29, 2016 - Our Travelin' Man, John Mauger, posted this on Facebook: "Visiting
a childhood friend today in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Vicky Hercus VanDerLoos lives nearby and met the ship here; we are
spending the day sightseeing the city. Vicky and I went through school together - kindergarten through high school!
" A couple of days later, Vicky responded to a webmistress request to chime in with comments of her own: Dear Bruins ,
Lucky Me! I just had lunch with handsome, charismatic John Mauger in Holland. Nice picture huh? I live in Holland and John stopped by on his way to see the rest of Europe and non-European countries. It was fun meeting up with such a traveling guy. We
took a tour of the harbors in Rotterdam. Rotterdam is the biggest
and busiest harbor in Europe and very impressive to see by boat. After the tour we had lunch at the New York Hotel, a hot spot not to miss while in Rotterdam.
Vicky xxx


"An Oregon Icon" |
delivery on our custom Slug today. The same artist who made Eugene Goat a few years back. You should see the sun glinting off of him/her. We decided to clearcoat
it so that he wouldn’t rust, but
would retain the colors of his birth under the welding torch. These plants will grow up to meet him.
The clearcoat guy was
Jórge, so I looked up the Español for slug before I went to pick it up. La babosa! We habla’d a bit in my Pidgin Español. ¡Excelénte! ‘Uberto

Waldron is working for JB Hunt Trucking, driving a semi-rig.

Leslie Tucker Walker in June, 2015 |
Recovering. On May 1, 2014, I had a stroke, and then another--a massive one--in the early
morning hours of May 2. On May 3, I had brain surgery to remove excess blood, and I developed pneumonia. The right side
of my body is affected; however, I am left-handed, which I consider a lucky break. In December of 2015, I am still recovering--my
right arm and hand are not functioning, and I need help walking. My speech continues to improve. --Leslie Walker
I just want to add a little to Leslie's report.
After the operation on her brain, the surgeon told her husband that he did not think she would regain her speech or
understanding. Within a few days it was clear that she could understand what was being said and what was happening. Leslie has had difficulty with her speaking ability and is still having speech therapy. I visited her during
her sixth and last week in the hospital and attended a speech therapy session with her. When the therapist showed Leslie a
picture of an elephant and asked her what it was, Leslie said, "Pachyderm." The therapist and I burst out
laughing at the unexpected response. The therapist persisted, coaching Leslie by saying, "Babar the ...." Again,
Leslie said, "Pachyderm." A fun moment.
On another occasion, I asked Leslie several Trivial Pursuit questions, the most notable
being, "What epileptic Russian author was nominated for the Nobel prize twenty times but never won one?" I
knew that I probably wouldn't understand whatever Russian name she might say, so I decided to tell her that whatever she said
was the right answer. She said a Russian-sounding name, and I asked in amazement, "Did you say Dostoyevsky?"
"Yes." Then I asked her for his first name, and she said, "Fyodor." Also correct. I've
told several people about this incident, and no one else has known the answer. The surgeon's dire prediction
about Leslie's speech and understanding? Thankfully, he was wrong. --Linda Tucker Wride
Leslie Tucker Walker in September, 2015 |

WHAT JANICE ANDER IS DOIN' Here is one Bruin who refuses to get old,
no matter how old she gets. Below
are excerpts from a few messages just received about our 70th
Birthday party. Helloooooo
I regretfully
won't be there for this incredible reunion with all you sweethearts from Woodrow Wilson. I really goofed! I ought to be coming
to rekindle our special years together. I am promising myself to attend the next one, if you'll not give up on my presence.
Please don't? Have a ball even without me! Loved reading all you wrote about ideas. I am “school friends sick”
now instead of home sick..... Squeezes for all our friends and your awesome wonderful

Just adding a few pix of me at 69 (until January).. I teach yoga and take it 5 days a week. It's
great on the beach seeing soooo many yoganini's … you see how I'm dressed, others in jackets, to start. One of
my passions is to bend. OK, here I am in yoga, 2 months ago. Ohhhh, the beach pic,
recognize me? Was with 400 + that day, as everyday on the Gulf Of Mexico, Fla. at 9:00 a.m. where I spend winters after
freezing in the Great Smoky Mountains for 11 years.....I am still in NC till after ol' Jack Frost visits.
LOVE to ALL The end, Miss Yoganini Rubber Band Ander
…. Love You, bear hugs, XXOO, Janice

Hanalei Bay 2 mile rough water swim ! Aloha Dudes & Dudesses, This has been on my bucket list for some time. I'm very happy
(& tired) to report that I "finally" won my age group in this Top 100 World-rated Swim Event. It's been
a good week - I also broke 80 on a tough golf course. Coming up in August: 1. Swimming around the Na Pali Coast to Hanakapiai Beach; and 2. Kayaking the 17
mile Na Pali Coast from Kee Beach to Polihale State Park.
Other that that, I'm loving my Wife & my Life in Kauai.
Warmest aloha, Bob

Courtney Hansen sent over these two pictures taken
last summer in one of his favorite places, Lake Tahoe. It appears as though he is a tree hugger. Some people do
that to show support for the environment. I think in Courtney's case, he just needed a hug (or thought the tree might.)
And speaking of huggable things, here is a
proud papa with daughter, Shasta Paige and grand-cutie Chayse.

Bob Chrisman is Doin' (AN
Should you happen to be in Hanalei
Bay, HI on a Friday afternoon, stop by the Tahiti Nui bar and see Wilson alumni Steve Landis ('64, who played defensive
end for Skip Rowland's Bruins) on the slack key guitar, while our very own Bob Chrisman belts out Elvis songs. Bob writes
that Steve plays there professionally from 4-6 PM, when he is not away competing in world
championship outrigger paddling races. His "over 60" team is the very best, and has the infamous Molokai Challenge
coming up soon -- try 13 hours of paddling. As for Bob, this picture captures his
rendition of "I Can't Help Falling in Love With You." (Wonder if he ever reached into that 'tip' jar and found a note saying, "Don't give up your
day job" ....?)

checkmark on a bucket list)
Oran and Linda Grigsby
Knowles live in Paradise, CA and travel frequently to see their sons – one in Colorado, one in LaQuinta. (The
other lives nearby.) Oran has long had a wish to go to his old stomping ground, Joe Jost's, with all three of his sons.
The weekend of July 25-27, Oran and Linda traveled to Long Beach to see their granddaughter
from LaQuinta play in a soccer tournament at Poly. Everyone but Oran knew the real reason for the trip was a
(belated birthday surprise!) gathering of all 3 sons to accommodate Oran’s wish. They spent
the whole afternoon at Joe’s playing pool, shuffleboard, and most likely sampling the pickled eggs and a Joe Jost's special while cracking peanuts.


In March of 2014, old
friends Jan Violette Pelletier and Jackie Halverson Gonzalez got together to visit Domenico's and catch up on each other's

Lequita and Sam Stansberry |
Lequita Templeton Stansberry sent a bio and picture for the Alumni Book, but unfortunately missed the deadline as the book
had already gone to print. So here she is! Lequita is married to Sam Stansberry, and they
have 3 children -- Michelle, Shannon and Jim -- and 6 grandchildren: Shaney, Melissa, Dakota, Hunter, Shane and Daniel.
She teaches Special Education, and lists her favorite pastimes as spending time with her grandkids and with special needs
children. As for her highlights since high school: "Getting married, having my (3)
children, my children having my (6) grandchildren, moving to Tennessee, having a miniature horse ranch, teaching, and celebrating
my 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 15th, 2013."


After graduating from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1963, I
served with the United States Air Force then enrolled at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque where I majored in Theatre
Arts and minored in English Literature. While at UNM, I met and married David Lucoff, an assistant professor recently graduated
from the University of Wisconsin working for the Department of Nuclear Engineering. After the birth of our first son, Aaron,
in 1972, David and I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Three years later, our second son, Justin, was born. Today, Aaron
is an assistant U.S. Attorney in Boise; Justin is a district manager for Avis Enterprises in Atlanta.
In 1979, David and I packed up and moved
from the Steeler Nation to Richland, Washington, where David accepted the job as manager of the Fast Flux Test Facility. Twenty
years later, we moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho, where David worked as the Site Area Director for test reactors at the INL (Idaho
National Laboratory). In 2008, after a bout of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and brief retirement, David re-entered the workforce
as consultant for a number of companies, including Terra Power. While David continued to consult, we relocated to Boise, Idaho,
so we could be closer to our older son, Aaron, and his family. Boise is where we reside today.
While in Richland, I resurrected my interest in theatre and
enrolled in classes at Columbia Basin College, joining The Richland Players where I worked as well as acted in several musicals
and plays. A few years later, I turned to writing. My children's book, Sparrow Tales, and my juvenile fiction book, Mystery
At Camp Saddle-Up, are currently available at Amazon.com. Today, I am working on another book, a science fiction
romance, which will be completed by the end of the year. Other than writing, I enjoy cruising, sketching, pastels, gardening,
Indian gourmet cooking, golfing and hiking along the Boise River. Most of all, though, I enjoy getting together with my family
and spending time with my grandchildren. They are a constant joy in my life. - Jan Clancy Lucoff
Update: November
22, 2013 - Jan sent the following note: I
have a new book out, a science fiction mystery romance: Mars Evolution and the Search for Eden. The book is available at
Amazon.com and, hopefully, soon Barnes and Noble. I published the book using my maiden name (J. L. Clancy.)


I did the Autumn 5K Run in 42.35. Next
time I'll practice for it. It was my first time at a 5K. Maybe it will be an incentive for our classmates to try
a 5K who have never tried before -- it was fun. I came in first for our age group. That's not my time showing at the
finish line. Thanks! Christina Dahl


Roger is rightfully proud of his 1956 Jaguar
XK140. They appear together at car shows on a regular basis. I have asked him to tell us more .... stay tuned. NOTE TO CAR BUFFS: If you, too have a classic car and a picture to submit,
we may be having a page of them in the Alumni Book (if we get several). Please contact Jeri or Patti ASAP for details
on submitting a picture and a brief description of make, model, year.

The Chrismans are "Living Life
in Paradise!"
After living for 67 years on the Alamitos Bay
Peninsula and swimming around Naples Island, I moved to Kauai a year ago and swim now in Hanalei Bay. Following the loss
of my loving first wife to cancer in 2000, my beachfront home lost its luster but I was fortunate to hit another Home
Run with Sarah and we got married in Hawaii in 2009. In a word, life is just PLEASANT here. We walk, play golf, Sarah performs Hula and takes Yoga.
I still compete in long-distance ocean swims and make up new words while playing golf. This picture is NOT our home - but
one of a neighbor... we live on the Prince Golf Course and the views are dramatic, air is clean, and water is warm. As Mike Nishkian, Herb Solomon, or Barry Woods would say...."Heck, someone had to do it!" I loved
my time at Wilson and wish to thank all my classmates who helped create very fond and vivid memories. Mahalo to you all.
Bob NOTE: Barry Wood was quick to respond to this taunt.
"Well, that is really nice. And
Bob is right-"Someone had to do it". And you have earned it and deserve. You sold more hamburgers at Chrismans
Galley then I sold at Woodies Goodies. So, you go, Bob. I'll
say hello for you at the lifeguard alumni meeting tomorrow. Will
miss you as the MC at the reunion. Enjoy buddy,
Barry Wood "

What Jay Corbett is Doin'
This just in. Sherlock's persistence has paid
off once again! Jay Corbett writes: "Please remove me from the Missing Bruin list.
I am LIVING THE DREAM in the desert for the past 12 years. My compliments to you and members of
the Class of '63 for all of the hard work and effort in the development and updating the OUTSTANDING website and the reunion
committee's hard work for the sucessful events. Enclosed are my before and after retirement photos.
I regret I will not be attending the 50th reunion. GO BRUINS AND ACES BROTHERS!"

What Jane Welch Sprague is Doin'
So here is the long
awaited photo of me as a clown. I am officially a member of the Gem Jesters of Idaho. We appear around town at Kids' events,
hospitals, parties and wherever. It is so much fun, I love it. Something I have always wanted to do. My clown name is "Cotton

What Paula Baughman Hatcher is Doin'

Here is a picture of Ray and me with our grandson, Bailey.
This was during my other grandson's H.S. graduation in Tucson AZ. We traveled from
Placerville, CA to attend the ceremony. Bailey is only 13 years old and is already 6'-1" and towers over his grandma.
The boys always have a great time playing video games together and Ray and I get to enjoy the nice weather of the area. David
Thomas 18 (graduating grandson with quilt) isn't quite as tall as Bailey but has room to grow yet. I made the quilt for his
graduation gift. He now has completed Army Boot Camp and is in the Army Reserves & attending U of A in Tucson, AZ.

I spend my free time quilting and making handbags that
I personally design and sell. Ray's hobby is doing anything he can find to do in his shop that is well equipped for all the
"Honey Do's". We like to travel some but no longer have an RV, so we get to enjoy the pleasantries of hotels. ....

Gary Garrison ~ Still in High School August, 2012
I'm doing well, still have a house in Chapala,
Mex. near Guadalajara, but live in Jacumba, CA most of the time. Still a therapist/counselor (whatever the word is these
days) for teenagers in Imperial County. With offices in Juvenile Hall and a couple of the high schools, who thought I would
be in high school at 68? But I fit right in. I hold the crown of honorary teenager. It is cool working full time AND
getting Social Security on top of that. LOVE my JOB, I'm cooler than an ice cube in a deep freeze on a December night.
Heading for Surfside/Sunset Beaches
this weekend to visit my old stomping grounds and friends who stomped them with me. Should be a good little mini-reunion,
although we do it every few months. Sorry I missed the '62 class reunion. I was supposed to graduate then, but flunked 8th
grade ... I had my choice of going to summer school or surfing, so I chose surfing. Many of the locals still have
a surfing reunion at San Onofre every June.... Called the the Hot Dog Surfing Fiesta. People came from all over the states
last June. There is one in October also, but not as many people come to that one. BY THE WAY, this is my little House on Lake Chapala in Mexico ...or My
Mexican retirement home

I enjoy living in Jacumba, CA. Hot Springs, a really small town, population 300 in the hills above San
Diego on the Mexican Border. I go to Mexico about 4 times a year to my home there, and spent the month of July there this
Keep up the good work, Gary Garrison