CLASS OF '63 !
70th Birthday Party, Page 2
70th Birthday Party, Page 3--Cruise
Our birthday party
on Saturday, September 19, was a big success. Here are a few pictures .... please email us any additional photos to share? Scroll down for a list of those in attendance. Maiden
names are used in the captions. MORE PICTURES WILL BE ADDED AS RECEIVED

The Banquet Room at Acapulco
Restaurant Y Cantina gets ready for its closeup.
One of several birthday cakes,a
few of which were from the
kitchen of Lynne Henry
Guarding the gate: Lynne
Henry, Jeri Hemphill, and Barbara Armstrong
Some dedicated committee members: Lee Faries, Jackie Halverson, Lynne Henry, Carol McClure
Jeri holding up the "Toddler
Picture" guessing game (see Kindergarten Baby, Page 8 - answers have now been revealed.)
Bill Cheney supervising Barbara
Armstrong. (Hey, fire extinguisher, nice photobomb)
An assortment of Bruin Bears. The little one is
a decoration from a previous reunion. Mary Hinrichs and Lynne Henry (center and right) alternately played "Woody"
in 1962-63, and Mary Jane Barden vaguely remembers wearing the suit at least once. Maybe an understudy?
Jennifer and Colin Cook were
among the early arrivals.
Susie Thompson
Connie Palmer, center, catches
up with Marsha Hassey. Jim Todd is in foreground

Lynne with Lynn Denczi, Ann Waytz,
Kathryn Osborn, Mike Morrissey and Donna Rosen
John Comings came from Boston, Jackie
came from Seal Beach
Jim Pierce and Linda Morrison
John Mauger and Bill Cheney
Colin Cook, Gary Reid, John Meyer
and Jesse Moreno
By request, Lynne baked John a
special cake. He was quite generous and shared nicely, but managed to remain in charge in spite of the
fact that SOMEONE wrote on the other side of the sign, BILL CHENEY'S CAKE
Nancy Castle, Mary Hinrichs,
and Linda Morrison with her pesky new "Selfie Stick"
Robin Kennedy and husband David
Linda and Stan Castle
Wall and John Mauger. In
background: Lynne, Richard King and Dennie, Mary and Carol.
Cuz" - Cousins Dennie and Lee enjoy working on the committee together.
Mike Morrissey shared this picture
of BFFs Donna and Kathryn and their husbands, Larry Cohen and Don Burpee
Let's get this party started!
70th Birthday, Page 2
The following people have RSVP'd and
paid for the 70th Birthday Party. Although word of mouth indicates a great turnout, only checks received are
reflected here. RSVP soon and see your name ... Watch the list grow! IN ATTENDANCE Wendy ARCHER Barbara ARMSTRONG Loureiro Maryjane
BARDEN Pierce and Guest, James Pierce Ruth BEARD Root David BLUMBERG and Guest, Sherry Blumberg Nancy CASTLE Beverly CHANCE Rueckert and Guest, Nils Rueckert Bill CHENEY John COMINGS Colin COOK and Guest, Jennifer Cook Chris CREMER and Guest, Jane Cremer Marilyn "Lynn" DENCZI Bartlett
David DOWNING Tony
Fernandez Lee FARIES
Ostendorf Jackie
HALVERSON Gonzalez Dennie
HAMILTON King and Guest, Richard King Courtney
HANSEN Pat HASSEY and Guest, Marsha Hassey Lincoln
("Dick") HAYES and Guest, Dana Hayes Jeri HEMPHILL Livingstone Lynne HENRY Stevenson Sam HENSON Mary HINRICHS Van Holt Gingi KADVANY Robin KENNEDY Sprang and Guest, David Sprang Karen KLINE Sedges and Guest, Rudy Sedges Wolfgang KRELL Bill MAMELLI and Guest, Kathy Mamelli John MAUGER Carol MCCLURE John MEYER Bill MINO Jesse MORENO Linda MORRISON Castle and Guest, Stan Castle Mike MORRISSEY Renee NORRBLOM Montgelas and Guest, Ann Burge Kathryn OSBORN Yarnell and Guest, Don Burpee Colleen "Connie"
PALMER Gary REID Donna ROSEN Cohen and Guest, Larry Cohen Sandy SMITH Champlin and Guest, George Champlin Mary-Ann SOLSVIK Nied Susie THOMPSON Ralston Jim TODD Silvia VALERA Gardner and Guest Roberta WALL Fred WATERMAN and Guest, Beth Waterman Ann WAYTZ Gilbert and Guest, Richard Gilbert Steve WILLE and Guest,

Happy BirthDog |
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of "Old Friends/Bookends", click on these guys to go to the link on the Contact Us page

Music on this page: "Happy Happy Birthday,