THE LEGACY OF '63 WILL GO ON - At a committee meeting on August 15, 2015, there was
a discussion of the Legacy of ‘63 program. This past June we awarded a scholarship to our 8th winner in
seven years, and our #1 benefactor -- John Mauger -- will continue to provide $500 per year for the next three years,
as he has since 2009. His original pledge, to support the fund for the first 10 years, has made it possible to award
gifts to all of those Wilson graduates seen on the "Winners" pages. THANK YOU, JOHN! AND ... On August 20, we received a
message from Nick Sherbin, outlining his vision for the continuance of this program and adding this pledge: “Shannon
and I will contribute $1,000 per year for the next 10 years to add to our 'Hero’ John Mauger’s initial funding.”
The Reunion Committee appreciates
the generous donations of the following people to the "Legacy of '63" Scholarship Program.
John Mauger (a pledge for a period of 10 years!)
Dr. Stu Farber, in honor of Trish Reynolds Farber Steve Meltzer, in memory of his brother,
Bruce Meltzer John Comings Seymour and Reva Alban, in memory of Dan Alban Howard and Carol Larimer McLaughlin, in honor of Jeri Hemphill Livingstone Carolyn Heimburger Gannon The Wilson '63 Reunion Committee Anonymous classmate, Wilson
'62 Nick
and Shannon Sherbin (beginning Spring of 2016)
Maurene Toppen - In memory of Zippety Livingstone Dave Southard, in loving
memory of his wife, Carol
Bob and Sarah Chrisman
If you would like to donate to
the Legacy Scholarship Program, click on the red bow to see/print the Donation Form.

Music on this page: "That's What Friends
are For"