Nancy Castle and Carol Larimer
McLaughlin (from Oregon) enjoy the Mexican cuisine.

Bruins Brunching

Terry Thurber, Sam Henson, and
Gary Reid

Gary Reid, Christina Dahl, and Warren Blackburn

David Blumberg, Bill Bixby, and Liz
McDannel Bell

Herb Solomon, Dave Downing, John
Comings, Dave McDermid and
Sraddha ("Judy") Clampit Durand. Like John, both Dave M and Sraddha came from out of state to be with us (Massachusetts and Washington state, respectively).

Minnie Gant
playground pals, Linda Morrison
Castle and Jane Welch-Sprague

Deloria Taylor, Nick Sherbin and
Tony Duarte

Judi Inanchy and Silvia Valera

Jackie Halverson Gonzalez
poses with posies.

This picture includes a few
elusive people not captured in other photos. Foreground, with backs to camera are Sam Henson and Rock Raun.
Then Sue Jewell Rogers, Donna Kahler Ceglar, and Frank Ceglar. And in the next table back, that's Ted Willenberg
facing the camera. Hellooooo, Ted!

Mary-Ann Solsvik Nied, Barbara Duski
Fernandez, Susie Thompson Ralston, Linda Morrison Castle

Beverly Chance Rueckert and husband,

Girl talk!
Sally Deal Edith and Carolyn Heimburger Gannon catch up after 50 years. This could take a while.

Buzz Wildman, Pat Shelley Gray.
Rosemarie Wildman is in foreground.

Bill Mino, Kim Wise, Beverly Chance Rueckert. Bill lives in
New Jersey.

Janet Feldt Greer, Buzz Wildman

Trapp, Angie Avila Velez, Evelyn Goehrig Wanner, Christina Dahl,Nancy Loefler Vaughn,Warren Blackburn, Jim Todd -
Sitting, Billie Goehrig Palmer

John Dach (who came from Washington
State) and Christina Dahl

Gingi Kadvany-Negvesky, Mary-Ann Solsvik Nied, Barbara Duski Fernandez. Mary-Ann and Barbara worked closely with both Acapulco and Malarkey's to make our alternate events perfect.

Deloria Taylor, Tony Duarte,
Jim and Dianne Brun and in the background, Bill and Kathy Mamelli.

Madelyn Tinkler, Dave Beber (from
Arizona), John Comings - who traveled from Massachusetts - and Evelyn Goehrig Wanner. Robin Kennedy Sprang is in the background, far left.

Friends Angie
Avila Velez, Christina Dahl, Nancy Loefler Vaughn and Warren Blackburn surround the Goehrig twins, Evelyn and Billie.

Terry and Megan Thurber. Background,
Madelyn Tinkler, Herb Solomon and David Blumberg

" "Brunching Bruins at a Bountiful Buffet"

Washingtonians Barbara Warden Virden and Jim; Alix Epley Traver

Carol Larimer McLaughlin, Jesse Moreno,
and Judi Inanchy

"Buzz" Wildman with childhood pals from Naples, Gretchen Savidge and Sandy Smith Champlin. Rosemarie Wildman with back to the camera.

Deloria Taylor,
Tony Duarte, Jim Brun, Lee Faries Ostendorf (partially hidden), Dianne Brun, and that is the back of Dennie Hamilton
King. And in the background,
finally! A picture of Carol McClure.

Ron and Leslie Tucker Walker, Carol
Larimer McLaughlin

John Comings, Kim Wise, Lew
Gray, foreground John Meyer. Rock Raun and Sam Henson.
Special note! Rock Raun gets lots of extra
credit points for making the trip down from Placerville to attend the reunion, just four days after becoming a
first-time grandfather when little (well, 5 lb 9 oz) Kellan Preston Raun arrived SIX WEEKS EARLY. Rock's
wife Verna needed to stay behind to assume her new role as Super Grandma. Rock will have to catch up.

Silvia Valera Gardner, Madelyn
Tinkler, Liz McDannel Bell, and Barbara Warden Virden

John Dach, Jane Welch-Sprague

Herb Solomon, David Blumberg (living in Wisconsin)

Clockwise from top left - Ellen Criswell
Norwood, Diane Boswell Boone, Rick Traver and Alix Epley Traver, Jim Virden and Manuel Loureiro.

A picture of the view from Acapulco
Cantina. Nautical but nice!

2013 Reunion Sunday Brunch - Page 1
2013 Reunion - Ties That Bind
Wilson Reunion 2013
Music: "Cielito Lindo"