Hospitality Pre-Party Friday, September 20, 4 PM-10 PM
Malarkey's Bar and Grill at Alamitos

Step right up folks, let Carol McClure,
Jeri Hemphill Livingstone, and Jackie Halverson Gonzalez sign you in. Isn't that Lynne Henry Stevenson and
Marsha Harris Tobolski in the background?

Zippety finds the humiliating "Missing
Name Tag" Faux Paw a painful episode.

John McClelland found his way
from Missouri! (Like
Dorothy and Toto, he is not in Kansas anymore.)

Mary-Ann Solsvik Nied and Brian
Gooch (class of '61 but loyal '63 groupie.)

Dave Southard, John Dach,
John Mauger

Roger and Becky Wyatt, Robin Kennedy
Sprang and David, Brian Gooch

Karen Watt Day and Pat Shelley Gray

Frank Hodges, Bill Cheney, Dianne
Carner Hodges, reconnect with old friends Linda Tucker Wride and Bruce Wride.

Gay Moore Keating

Rod Woodard and Robin Kennedy Sprang

Wendy Archer and Rock Raun

Joyce Dixon Garvey, Tony Duarte, and
Nick Sherbin

Sandy Smith Champlin, Sara Erskine
Schoenfelder, Bill
Mino, John Comings

Toni Thomas Stein ('64) and Lew Gray

Paul Webecke, Sraddha (Judy)
Clampit Durand, Wendy Archer, and Nancy Castle

Boy, do these guys go way back!
Ron Quintana and John Comings

Marshall Stein and Carol Larimer McLaughlin

Rock Raun, Carolyn Heimburger
Gannon, George Foote, and Eric Anderson. That's Rick Moberly in the background.
Nick Sherbin and Bill Cheney

Robin Kennedy Sprang, Rod Woodard,
Barbara Warden Virden and Jim Virden

Robin Kennedy Sprang and Gretchen

Robert Wheeler, George Foote and Louise

Pat Shelley Gray and Karen Berkey

Linda Grigsby Knowles ('62) and
George Lawson ('62) with our very own Oran Knowles ('63).

Marshall Stein and Pat Shelley

Mary Jane Barden Pierce and husband Jim ('61) fall into
the "Better Late than Never" Sweethearts category. A devoted couple in school, they went their separate ways
... and reconnected almost 50 years later. SIGH.

Grigsby Knowles ('62) and Oran. AKA Barbie and Ken.

Loyal Committee Worker-Bees take
a brief break from their chores to have fun! Barbara Duski Fernandez, Lee Faries Ostendorf, Bill
Cheney, and Donna Combs Dominguez (OK, now, break over - get back to work.)

Kitty Clark O'Neill, Donna Houston,
and Judi Inanchy. That's Dave Southard in the background.

Terry Thurber enjoying his first reunion

Joyce Dixon Garvey and Sara Erskine
Schoenfelder seem to think that Mike Morrissey has something important to say. That could be!

2013 Reunion Hospitality Pre-Party--Page 2
Wilson Reunion 2013