Just Guys - Page 1
Danny Ehrler, we'd know you anywhere!
First-time reunion attendee Terry Thurber
John Meyer and Bill Cheney share a laugh.
Good sport Bruce Wride, who generously shares wife
Linda's time with this website!
Dave Downing, Rich Andrus, and Craig Vestermark
Faithful reunion attendee Don Lounsbury,
possibly instructing first-timers Hal Gordon and Kim Wise: Reunion 101 (Bob the Cat is an old hand at this, having actually attended the 45th.)
Don Singleton and David Blumberg
Lee Elementary School homies! Reuniting "Joy-ful-Lee"
.... Jesse Moreno, Ron Hoffman, Oran Knowles and Steve Farmen
Stan Wood and Nick Sherbin
Terry Thorpe and Bill Mamelli
Robert Wheeler
Marshall Stein and Dave Sweet
Tom Frost and Rock Raun both overcame technical difficulties
to be with us! See the Acapulco Brunch section for details about Tom's mountain bike accident and Rock's first-ever
grandchild arriving way early.
John Meyer and Jerry Gibson
Eric Conn, Barry Wood, and Craig Vestermark. These
water babies share a lifelong love of sailing, skiing and water sports. Craig was the two-time world record
holder for barefoot water-skiing. Did he have to skip school to learn that skill? Gee, I hope not.
Herb Solomon and Jon Baverstock
Bud Rogers welcomes first-time reunion attendee
Dave Beber
Richard Williams, Dave Downing, Mike Morrissey
Dave Southard

2013 Reunion Main Event - Just Guys - Page 2
Wilson Reunion 2013