"My friend Steve" sent by Larry Gorman |

Suzy Bailey Schaffer's fun wig |

Sherry Beckett Grant, date unknown |

Terry Campbell's Playhouse |

Lloyd Jones with Judy, Madison and Jennifer |

Linda presenting Judy with Lloyd's Quilt, July 2006 |
Shortly after Lloyd Jones passed away in March,
Judy's dear friend Linda (Morrison) Castle offered to make a memorial quilt. She gathered up a bunch of pictures of
Lloyd and his family; the result was this labor of love.

Cindy Ryall, Billie Goehrig and Phylene Boston |
Carol Larimer McLaughlin joined fellow breast cancer survivors
and supporters at the Susan Komen Foundation 5K "Race for the Cure"
in Portland, OR the weekend of September 16-17. She participated in memory of all classmates of Wilson '63 who have been touched by breast cancer.

Bob Love's wife Kathy, sent this picture of Tom and a note that
"he was really a dear friend."

Tom Siembeida |

Thanks to Mike Morrissey for sending this picture
of his "sorely missed" friend, Danny Alban. This was in 1971, in the mountains above Nevada City, where Dave Downing
was (with others) building cabins. Dan and David "Roy" Sievers (recognizable with his big hair) went up to
help out.

Sandy Beaman Puccio - The Queen of Hearts |

Richard Hindman |

Marquee at Terry Campbell's High School |

Lloyd Jones with Tony Duarte at 40th Reunion |

Although Linda was in the midst of a cross-country
move, she was anxious to complete this quilt soon to bring comfort to Judy --
she felt Lloyd's presence sorta 'spurring' her
on --

These pictures were passed along to us by Maurene Toppen - in
memory of two of her best friends, Karen Mashburn and Nancy Christensen. Taken at Big Bear: Karen, Nancy, Diana
Kirkner, Sandy Robinson, and Paulette Gherke.

Carol (2nd from left above) writes: "It was such an exciting,
emotional time - the first time I was healthy enough to participate. These are
the gals I walked with. The other shot is from across the river and illustrates the volume of walkers. Howard
said it was amazing to watch the entire group of 15,000 move. They kinda broke us into 3 groups for traffic control
and even then, it was difficult to develop a good pace. We were dodging baby carriages and walkers and ones that slowed
down or sped up. It was terrific and a super, super feeling to be completing a dream."