Those cute little Kindergarten Baby faces from Lee Elementary
are still pretty cute - Roger Wyatt, Val Sabin, Jesse Moreno, JoAnn Broshear, John Mauger, Susie Cottler.

Far left Jerry Freet, Scott Williams, Tony Duarte, John Mauger,
John Graham ... down visiting from Oregon.

Foreground: Mary Jane Barden, Jeri Hemphill, Margie Lassiter,
Kay Cusick. It should be noted that Margie and Jeri left their 24/7 posts as Wilson '63 Webmistresses just long enough
to grab a quick bite to eat. Then returned immediately
to their stations.

Above: JoAnn Broshear,Gary Reid.
Below: John Graham,Dennie Hamilton


Celebrating their removal from the "Missing Bruins" page are
Jerry Freet and Scott Williams, along with Gary Reid.

Stan and Cathy Bauer, and Julie Todd, wife of Jerry Freet.

Tony Duarte and Mary Jane Barden

Bill Cheney, Valerie Garrett, Dennie King and Carol McLaughlin
