Thanks to Mike Morrissey for this vintage
shot of his gang at a 20th Reunion Pre-Party in 1983! Left to right: Jim Stage, Steve Clay, John Meyer, Rich Hindman, Dave
Downing, Tom Morin, John Comings, Sara Erskine, Mike, Dave Sievers, Sharon Clay. This gathering may also serve as a 30-year
head start on our 50th. Mike
also shared this picture of 3 Bruin Papa Bears with their young: Dara Sievers, Erin Downing, Andrew Comings. Awwwwww

Speaking of offspring, Mike Morrissey also shared this lovely picture of Kathryn Osborn Yarnell with their daughter,
Britt and granddaughter, Tess. 

. Items contributed by Karen Berkey Sutherland. Click to enlarge. Thanks Karen!

As promised, Denny Garrison is sharing with us his experience
of living in Costa Rica. Update: Denny's car finally
catches up to him after being shipped from the States.... Good to have wheels again!
Thanks to John Dugdale for sharing this picture of his
little girl, "Firecracker", named by his grandkids because she was born on July 4, 2006. Firecracker is the offspring
of Martha Sue (so named for John's first wife) and Walter Too. John explains, "What more profound recognition could
you place on these amazing critters known as "Christ Burros", because they have a dark cross over the shoulders and down the
front legs ever since Jesus rode on the back of one into Jerusalem in the Bible. Don't you just Love It!"

Perfect Gift for the Dad Who Has Everything ,,, "This One's for You" Friends of our '63 classmate Jesse Moreno stood by anxiously to hear about Jesse's successful kidney transplant on
January 9 at UCLA Medical Center. Jesse's donor was his daughter Danyelle, who came from Texas and shared the gift of
life with her dad. This ends Jesse's need for dialysis (3 x a week for years, while working full time!) Susie
Cottler Carter and husband Bob went and visited just one day afer the surgery, and sent us proof of the 'flying colors'.

The Lee Elementary Homies: Barbara Duski,
Jesse Moreno, Susie Cottler (back row) Valerie Sabin, John Mauger, Roger Wyatt and Dave Southard. Jesse's odometer has been
set back and his badge says "I'm 4." Click to enlarge!
7 Bruins and a Ram
This group of best friends, dating back to junior high
and in some cases, elementary school, met for dinner in January. L to R, Stan Castle, Linda Morrison Castle, Jeri Hemphill Livingstone, Dennie Hamilton King, Richard King, Judy Wilson Jones, Mary Jane
Barden Gentry and Jim Pierce.

At a time when some of us are challenged by climbing out
of bed, Carolyn Heimburger Gannon AGAIN climbed to the top of Mt. Kiliminjaro in 2007 repeating her feat from her 60th
year. (See "Birthday Club" pages. )


And this is what Costa Rica looks like. This
is the Arenal Volcano near his home at Lake Arenal.

Evelyn Goehrig Wanner, a big John Denver fan,
traveled to Aspen CO for a memorial marking the 10-yr anniversary of his death. His organization, Windstar, supports
wolf refuge and rehab. Here is Evelyn giving "Timber" (18 months) a big hug.
Note father & daughter, one day post-op, in
matching racing gowns and ready to sprint down the hall, IV attachments and all. Jesse reported
in on 1/15 that he is home already and recuperating. Good news ! Get well
soon, friend.
Those little brats from Lee Elementary
(in the 1950s) will jump at any good opportunity to reconnect. This lunch in Long Beach was to celebrate the 4th birthday
of Jesse Moreno's new kidney. There was even chocolate cake with an official "4" candle and a very loud yet talented
chorus of the Happy Birthday song. Everyone agreed that recycling of healthy replacement body parts is a wonderful thing.
We wished that Jesse's daughter/donor Danyelle could have been there too. Oran Knowles couldn't come to So California but
he did call in on a cell phone to flirt with all the girls from afar. Stay well, Jesse!

Seeing Double Back at Jefferson Jr. High in the late 50s, this was not an unusual sight....That's the Vermillion
Twins, Diana & Donna, and their corresponding best friends, Leslie & Linda Tucker....Thanks to Leslie for sending
this. Thanks to Leslie for sending this.

She sent us these pictures of her with their head
guide Mosha, and her 4 climbing buddies, who "left their spouses at home to worry if we would make it, and have an enjoyable time."
Yes to both counts! Carolyn is on the right in both pictures.
Oh, how fun. The picture to the left was submitted by Sandy Smith Champlin, who was reunited with
her very dear friend from high school days, Zelta Duke Milione. They had not seen each other for 40-some years when
they met in Las Vegas on 2/28 for brunch. And brunch is a perfect description when you walk in at breakfast time and are still
yakking after 2:00 PM ...