Bob Matlock, Susie Arnold, Tom Morin, Donna Rosen

Anna Christensen and Charla Stark

Jill Nobles Thrasher and her husband Denny
gave each other a wonderful Christmas present -a long overdue getaway together. Here they are seen at the River Walk in San Antonio.
Pictured below is Marla Davis and her family celebrating her
twin daughters Jen & Monica's 38th birthday on 3/7/07.

L to R Russ, Mark, & JenniferGillette, Marla, Eric & Monica Bennett |

Can You Spot a Bruin ... Thousands of Miles Away?
In November '06, Richard ('61) and Dennie ('63) King cruised from Auckland, NZ to LA on the
Seven Seas Mariner via the French Polynesian Islands. Also on board was famed songwriter * Paul Williams (class
of 58). Once when Paul addressed the crowd, he spoke of living in LB and attending Wilson. From the audience,
Dennie clapped and made some appropriate show of Bruin enthusiasm. They met up later and he eagerly jumped at the chance
to be pictured on the world renowned Wilson '63 website.
(And thanks,
Paul, for writing this beloved
song ....)

to enlarge this picture (below) of JoAnn Broshear Burns with daughter Kristen, Kristen's friend (Marine Captain ) Christopher
Weisterheide, and JoAnn's granddaughter, Abby. These ladies will all be surrounding Christopher
with love and prayers as he leaves in August for his third tour in Iraq.

We just recently located this classmate. Marta (used to
go by Judi) Inanchy is living in Texas, and has already crossmyheart-promised to come to the 45th reunion next year. Here
she is with granddaughter, Laura. Looking

A Thank You from Christina Dahl
(& Punkin says Meow)
Thank you to everyone who made it possible for me to attend our
45th Class Reunion. It was nice seeing everyone again - it was Great! We were the Best Class Ever - and still
are. Christina & Punkin Dahl
Grammar school buddies Susie
and Bob

Donna Rosen, Anna Christensen, Dave
McDermid (hidden), Charla Stark, John Comings in foreground
FROM FAR AWAY, VICKY HERCUS CHECKS IN! Here is that promised picture you asked for. It was taken in our little town of Dordrecht here in Holland.
We are doing fine, as you can see --- the sun was shining that day! It's not California weather here. I do miss
the California climate. It's fun here too though, my house is over 100 years old and the neighbors' homes are 200/300
years old ... I have been on vacation for 30 years here. Have fun passing the photo around, have a laugh on me!
Will keep in touch - TOT ZIENS - Vicky Van der Loos-Hercus PS That's me on the right ! (with husband Jan)



* Partial list of Paul's Noteworthy Songs
"Rainy Days and Mondays"
"We've Only Just Begun"
"I Won't Last a Day Without You"
"Just An Old Fashioned Love Song"
"Theme to the Love Boat"
"Let Me Be the One"
"You and Me Against the World"
and last but not least, "Evergreen" -
Sharing Oscar, Grammy & Golden Globe /Streisand

Here's a fun pic (click to enlarge) of Mr. Chuka's Algebra class,
sophomore year. Sue Williams has id'd several people, mostly from the backs of their heads! Kathy Osborn facing camera,
behind her Jay Corbett. Sandi Kimball has head turned; Donna Senseney in front of Sandi. Possibly Betty Rounthwaite
behind her. Sue is sitting by the blackboard with her hands folded, like the good girl she was (and is.)

Hi all Class of 63 Wilson Hi,
This is a picture of Barry Wood and Chuck Tatreau(Class of 61?)
at Las Areas which is a little south on La Paz, Mexico in June 2007. This was after another successful day of drowning bait...
I mean catching fish. I started with a small group of 8 and by the time we got there we had 23 in our group. Everyone caught
fish including a 320 lb blue marlin. Chuck now lives in Northern Calif. and does a lot of fishing up there.
I'm looking forward to the class reunion in Sept of 2008 to see
again how everyone has aged (I mean how everyone is doing).
Best Regards,
Barry Wood

When Mike Ely was unable to attend the reunion, a delegation
of dear lifelong friends planned a side trip to visit him. His little fan club, L to R, Karen Kline Sedges,
Pat Wong Rariden, Warren Blackburn, Billie Goehrig Palmer and Evelyn Goehrig Wanner.